If You Feel Lonely When You Are Alone, You Have Bad Company

If you feel lonely when you are alone, you have bad company

I’ve been feeling a little lonely lately, even though I’m surrounded by other people that everyone would like to be close to. I feel lonely and I can not really understand why. But when I’m in my room and no one else is close to overpowering my own sound, that’s when I feel most alone.

I know that means I’m not in the best company. I feel lonely when I’m alone and it’s awful. I do not want to listen to what I have to say. I also have this feeling of being the saddest person in the world, and the panic I feel when I am in total silence is so profound that I constantly want to avoid it. I am surrounded by this panic and I feel unprotected and vulnerable.

Many people have experienced this and you may be going through some of these occasions. This is normal and you have nothing to be ashamed of. It is easy to feel overwhelmed by emptiness, by a void. And we are all afraid that this will happen in our lives.

Loneliness is not always bad

When you see the shadow of loneliness manifest, you will find that you explain it so as not to fall into an abyss. Or you isolate yourself in your melancholy. In that stage where you can only receive pain. Where you forget to a greater or lesser degree who you really are.

The first step is to counteract that discomfort, which prevents you from enjoying what you have. You have to face it and accept it. Yes, you must always put a name or a label on what happens to you. That way, you can put it in a special place and shop when it becomes an obstacle instead of an advantage.


Loneliness does not have to be bad. Convincing yourself of this is the next step. It’s about realizing that the defenselessness you feel is just a mirage coming from a heart with a weak will. In other words, being alone can be a great opportunity: take a walk, travel, read, meditate… It can be the bravest way to discover and start loving yourself. You can not expect others to support you and take care of you if you can not do the same for yourself.

In loneliness you will discover that you are not alone

Loneliness can be the most anticipated hug, and it is within everyone’s reach. Occasions of silence produce fear, but this can also cleanse, calm and provide support. The kind of loneliness that brings happiness is the one that finds and welcomes you, so that you can become your own best company.

You are never alone if you do not let yourself be. People are born to interact with others and to share their lives with people who are emotionally close to them. But is it not true that the closest person to you is yourself? Why would I want to reject this?

There is a security in all this. And this is that when you are born, you are already a beating heart, which can not deny that it is accompanied by itself. Why not make it even easier? Why not take advantage of the opportunity and enjoy life? The best way to tolerate loneliness is to embrace it in order to strengthen the bond that binds us to our essence.

I want to be alone with someone who also wants to be

We are not alone as long as we can shout that there is still something that identifies us, that shows us that life is worth fighting for. We do not only have ourselves. Through the feeling that can blind us, we know that there are people around us who are worth the trouble.

You may think you have your family, your partner, your children and even your friends, but you still feel lonely. We live in a society that communicates through technology more and more every day. It also requires that our loved ones spend more time at work and less time with our personal relationships. But that does not mean they do not love us. That they are not there for us.


In this case, your addiction may be collaborating with the loneliness that makes you feel this way. It might be good if you are looking for freedom, space, hobbies, etc. where you feel complete without the need to share that moment with someone else.

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