Friendship Is Not Always Forever

Friendship is not always forever

Friendship is a part of our lives. It is born, it grows and it ends at the same time as we grow and change. By learning to accept that our relationships with others will go through different stages, we can enjoy them more intensely because we know that relationships can end for different reasons.

We have to take care of our friends; they are a treasure and we never know how long they will share their lives with us. And just like with any other tax, the loss or distance to them would be less if we did most of the time while it lasted.

We often hear the word friend and a plethora of different phrases about them. However, most of these references do not provide the value of friendship or the related depth of emotion. A friend is someone with whom we can share a stage of our lives with, so to speak; part of our way of life.

Friends in the field

It is not necessary to mention the importance of friendship in a person’s life. Friendship fills us, enriches us and makes us grow.

Friendship needs, like a plant or other emotional relationship, time, care, interest, sincerity and contact. The feelings between friends should be caring, affectionate and loving, filling the relationship with closeness and special gifts.

Furthermore , friendships are born and maintained when we have something in common, such as life values, hobbies, political or religious beliefs, children of the same age, etc.…

But often friends are lost and remain only in the memories of the good old days, left behind us, almost forgotten in a stage that has already passed.

Obviously , there is no definitive or limited time frame for friendships, but there is usually an explanation for why they end, are forgotten or lost in the past and only remain in our memories.

A friendship is born when we are brought together because of mutual values, projects, ideas or ideals. This unites us as we spend time with each other in the form of long conversations, about work or pleasure. Many friendships arise at certain stages in our lives, and often end when these stages are over.

A stage ends when a change takes place within us, when we develop, mature, grow or simply adapt to new circumstances.


During childhood, friends play a very important role, but we do not yet know who we are or how to direct our lives. When we find our way, we may end up distancing ourselves and finding new friends with whom we can share this new stage.

This process repeats itself throughout life, as often as we change our values, mature or decide to change our lives. Every time we change, our surroundings change.

There are several distinct stages in life that can lead to a change of friends, such as childhood and school, youth and choice of studies, adulthood, entry into working life, job changes, parenting, new love relationships, crises and retirement, among others.

At all stages , friends have a great influence on us. An impact so great that we do not want the relationships to end, but it is a part of life.

We want to share our lives with those who share our values. And so that we can say that we are friends because our paths have crossed in life and continue to be friends until our paths go in different directions.

But friends stay with us forever, through what we learned with them and everything we experienced and shared. Friendship is part of our growth, and without it it would be impossible to develop.

And sometimes this development requires that we all follow our own path, rhythm and process, and follow our own values, marking the end of a period that was a fantastic friendship while it lasted.

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