INFJ Personality – The Rarest According To Jung

INFJ personality - the rarest according to Jung

According to Carl Jung, the INFJ personality – a unique combination of the psychological traits of introversion, intuition, emotion and judgment – makes up only 1% of the population. This personality is idealistic, peaceful, determined in his values, highly sensitive but confident in himself and always oriented towards improving the lives of others.

If you have not heard of the INFJ personality, it will not take long to find a book about it. There are lots of articles that list the ten main traits of this personality.

It can be said that this personality is in vogue in the United States and Europe. At first glance, they may make you think of highly sensitive personalities, but they are not really the same thing.

To understand the INFJ personality a little better, we will travel to its origins. The INFJ classification is actually part of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator – a personality test designed to identify our personal preferences. This test is based on the psychological types developed by Carl Jung, defined under his clinical experience.

Today, this indicator is mainly used for group dynamics and personal growth tests. However, we should point out that more academic institutions and rigorous psychological literature do not consider it to be particularly valid.

But Carl Jung’s work with psychological types is always interesting. It has become very popular, especially his contribution to the study of personalities.

Of all Myers-Briggs’ personalities, INFJ is the most rare and unique. Let’s dig a little deeper…

INFJ people are unique

Myers-Briggs is a type of psychological test that education experts usually like. This makes it easier for students to get to know each other and make more informed decisions about their academic and future work.

Through its four scales, we can, for example, know how we see the world, how we process our surroundings and how we relate to each other. It is based on eight types of extroverted personalities and eight introverted personalities, with INFJ being the rarest. Here are the characteristics.

The INFJ personality is a “lawyer type” for the following reasons:

  • They are idealistic and have a high sense of what is right and wrong.
  • They are guided by their values ​​and beliefs.
  • One of the clearest goals is to help others.
  • But they are not limited to “saving” others, because the INFJ personality has the ability to inspire, help others improve, move forward and become people who do not need to be saved.

This type of personality profile has a special ability to build relationships. They know how to make friends and keep them, they are warm and friendly, simple and good conversationalists.

Seen from the outside , they can give the impression that they are extroverts. However, INFJ people control the time they spend being social very well, and limit it for a very simple reason.

They are naturally introverted and need time alone to recharge their energy.

Man in crystal ball

INFJ people are tireless dreamers. However, their dreams are not just wishful thinking, unlike passive dreamers with idealism so fragile that the wind can blow it away. The exact opposite.

This personality has a natural need to contribute to society, and from there dream in the waking state to act with conviction and determination.

At work, they always show independence, goal orientation, high creativity and lots of intuition. In addition, they often like both art and science.

INFJ people have only one problem: society. In a world full of injustice, closed doors and walls to get over on a daily basis, it is easy to become discouraged. Therefore, it is common for INFJ people to be disappointed as well as physically and emotionally worn out.

It is not easy for them to deal with daily criticism, stress and clashes between their idealism and the cruel reality. Another fact that characterizes them is that they often forget to take care of themselves.

Woman among flowers

Given the main characteristics of this personality that Carl Jung has established, we can see that INFH people are individuals whose thoughts echo in the world and create revolutions.

This 1% of the population is actually the light in our society. People with clear ideals, dreamers with a purpose who want to give their best to others.

If you think you have the INFJ personality, we just want to give you one piece of advice: persevere without neglecting your ideals. We should never give up, because sometimes 1 percent of the population can inspire the remaining 99 percent.

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