9 Signs That It’s Time To Rest

9 signs that it is time to rest

In the whirlwind of life, we often let our own momentum drag with us, but this momentum usually does not include that we listen to the messages that the body sends. If we were to rank these signs according to how important they are, those who said that it was time to rest would have been high on the list.

“I can do it,” we say to ourselves. We feel compelled to move forward because of the love we have for the people around us, because we feel a responsibility. We do this to become better people (at least that’s what we think). We do it because that is what we are meant to do. If everyone else does, then surely that’s what we need to do.

But if we do not stop our “machine” when there is still time, the machine will sooner or later stop by itself. Stopping before it is too late is not a sign of weakness or cowardice, but a sign of intelligence and love for yourself, those who depend on and who mean something to you.

So when do we know it’s time to stop? What signals does our body send to tell when it’s time to rest?

When we need to rest, our body will usually inform us. Ignoring these signals will not stop the problem; it will actually make it worse. They are, among other things, signs of stress and fatigue that you have to deal with.

If you see several of the following signs, it’s time to start taking a break. It’s time to review your priorities and your true needs. The more you see yourself in the characters we describe below, the more you need to take a break.

Tired woman


  • You feel more tired than usual

Being tired due to intense physical or mental exhaustion is normal. What is not normal is that the fatigue continues day after day, all day long, from the time you get up in the morning until you go to bed.

  • You can not get through the day without stimulants

Whether it is caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, sugar or any other type of drug, it is only a temporary solution to fatigue. In fact, in the long run, there is a risk that it will get worse. And that is why we continuously need more and more of the same stimulants to achieve the same effect.

  • You have difficulty concentrating

Whether it is due to fatigue or some other factor, one of the early signs that we need to rest is that we are not able to concentrate on what we need to do. Dreaming, doing several things at once or procrastinating can be a sign that we have low energy reserves.

Woman with books
  • You work more and more

Working longer does not necessarily mean that you get more done. We become less productive due to exhaustion and have difficulty focusing. As a result, we sometimes feel the need to work more hours to compensate for the reduced performance. The thing is, we just get even more tired of doing more than we were in the beginning.

  • You always think of jobs

It is interesting that even when you know that you are suffering from exhaustion and overexertion and know that you need to take a break, you still can not stop thinking about work. Even when you can finally rest a little, you feel guilty! Even if you do not have to do a job, you still continue to do it, even if you just think about it.

  • You are always in a bad mood

Exhaustion tends to put us in a bad mood, but when the exhaustion has reached its limit and your body should rest, the grumpiness becomes chronic. If you also become cynical and rude, it is a sign that you should slow down.

  • You have difficulty remembering information

Exhaustion and stress can make it difficult for you to remember even the simplest of information. For example, forgetting something as simple as where you put your keys, not remembering to add basic ingredients when cooking, getting confused about everyday things and always changing the place you put specific things. All of this means that you should probably take a break. You have to change your mind.

Woman with headache
  • Your health is deteriorating

Constant fatigue and stress affect the immune system. Your health is affected and you become more vulnerable to flu and colds. You may also notice weight loss or weight gain, and you have frequent headaches and migraines. Your heart rate is also increasing, which may indicate an increased risk of heart disease.

  • You make more and more mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes and there is nothing wrong with that, but when those mistakes are made too often, especially if they are ridiculous mistakes, it’s time to start worrying. What was initially just a funny mistake can become something much more serious in the future.

When it’s time to rest and we’re talking about taking a break, it’s usually because we need to rest physically and mentally. We need to clear our senses and set them free – release our stress and allow the body to recover. But we must also stop and think. We need to consider our situation and analyze what we are doing and what is actually happening.

Woman in the grass

This hurricane of life does not always make us think clearly. It’s easy to get involved and just keep up with the momentum we’ve created for ourselves. In the long run, however, you will have to pay a price, which will often be a long, forced break due to illness. Is it really worth it?

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