Overcoming Emotional Traces From Childhood

Overcome emotional traces from childhood

From the moment we are born internalize us and teach us about what is happening around us. This generates emotional traces that in some cases we must overcome later in life.

No one knows exactly what newborns feel, but we must assume that they experience a range of emotions. Long before we humans develop verbal language, we develop emotional language. This is what allows us to know what a baby likes and dislikes, even when it is only a few hours old.

From the moment we are born, we begin to construct our inner world based on experiences of our surroundings. From a very young age , our experiences create emotions in us that can remain in our subconscious forever.

How are we influenced by emotions?

Emotions affect us depending on their impact; thus the type or level of feeling we experienced. Memories during life, in turn, depend on the emotions they evoked, and because of this, they are retained as memories in time.

Positive emotional influences are the events or situations that create a strong, pleasant feeling in us. Negative emotional influences are the events that create equally strong but negative emotions. These produce powerful emotions and inevitably leave traces in our brains.

By leaving these traces, the emotion that affected us can generate emotions throughout our lives in situations that remind our brains of this unpleasant experience.

Where are our emotional traces stored?

Emotional traces are stored in our subconscious. This is why in most cases we cannot explain why we feel uncomfortable in certain situations or why we feel scared and confused when we meet certain people.

We can find the explanation well hidden in our subconscious; but there are stored unpleasant experiences that can make us stay on our guard to avoid reliving them.

Automatic activation causes fear, confusion, uncertainty and discomfort, but our subconscious mind knows the hidden explanations for all our reactions.

How can we erase these emotional traces?

In many cases, therapy that works with a person’s conscious thoughts may be sufficient because it strengthens and reconstructs aspects of the personality that have been weakened since childhood.

Many times, however, it is necessary to use therapeutic methods that access a person’s subconscious to heal the damage caused by the situations experienced during childhood or many years ago, even if the person is not aware of it.

In these cases, hypnosis can be very effective, as the trans-like state allows for the treatment, reconstruction and healing of the pain that has been inflicted on us and that has been stored in our emotional brain.

The most common angles we take when working with the subconscious are:

  • To fetch the inner child to give it the strength and love that may have been lacking during childhood.
  • Reconstruct the situation where the pain was experienced.
  • To imagine oneself with the strategies and the ability to confront the avoided situation.
  • To learn attitudes and skills for self-improvement and growth.

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