3 Breathing Exercises To Help You Relax

3 breathing exercises to help you relax

Stress is one of the biggest problems these days. Many of us feel burned out and overwhelmed by everything we have to do. It is therefore very important that you learn breathing exercises to relax.

It has been known for thousands of years that there is a relationship between breathing and relaxation. According to experts, people in the Western world do not breathe properly, which leads to many problems both on a physical and emotional level. In this article, we will cover breathing exercises to help you relax. You can start with them today.

Woman closing her eyes.

Some people think that you have to learn some form of discipline like yoga or meditation to be able to use breathing as a method of relaxation, but that is not true. Everyone can train themselves to relax with better breathing.

All you need to do is set aside some time each day to practice the exercises we will cover below. It will be enough with about 5 minutes per day.

In this article, you will learn three breathing exercises. These are exercises that really work and are used by thousands of people around the world:

  • Alternating nostril breathing
  • Three-step sanding
  • Count breaths

To get the most out of these three exercises, you need to perform them properly. Follow these guidelines:

  • Lie down on your back or sit up straight. The important thing is that you feel comfortable.
  • Wear loose clothing that allows you to move freely.
  • Perform the exercises in a place where no one will disturb you; somewhere where it is quiet and where there are no distractions.
  • Try to fill the diaphragm as you inhale instead of lifting your shoulders. This is known as deep breathing.
Woman with open arms.

Exercise 1: Alternating nostril breathing

The first breathing exercise to help you relax is one where the air goes in and out of your nose. You do not use your mouth. The idea is to inhale through one nostril and exhale through the other. You can change the order with each breath.

Follow these steps:

  • Put your hand against your nose and pinch your nostrils with your index finger and thumb.
  • Cover your right nostril with one finger and inhale through the left. Take a long, deep breath. Then cover your left nostril and release on the right side.
  • Inhale through the right nostril and exhale through the left.
  • Continue to alternate for 5 min.

Exercise 2: Three-step breathing

In our next exercise, you will perform the breathing in three phases: you inhale, hold the air, and exhale. By dividing the breath in this way, you will have greater control over it. It also helps you breathe the air better.

It should be borne in mind that each step should be proportionate to the following. So if you inhale for two seconds, you should hold your breath for four and exhale for six.

Woman closing her eyes exercises to relax.

Exercise 3: Count breaths

In the last exercise, we will also use the concept of mindfulness. This is a technique that helps you to be more in the present, both when you perform the exercise and in your daily life.

Start by breathing in and out slowly and in a controlled manner. Each time you inhale, you should count one step. The goal is to reach one hundred inhalations without being distracted.

It may seem simple in theory, but it is not as simple as you think. The exercise will help you relax even if you do not reach a hundred breaths.

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