To Dream Again

To dream again

Tension is the “spark of life”, and without it life loses its color and becomes monotonous and boring, while nothing seems logical. To regain our hope or teach us to dream again is to seek excitement and break free from disinterest.

Excitement makes every moment of life special and unique. Living with enthusiasm also allows us to move forward towards the moment we want to achieve because hope motivates us to visualize it and plan what we want to experience in a way we can enjoy before it arrives.

Hope is in the moments of life that bring us closer to what we are able to dream of. It’s about wanting to get something and putting all our energy into achieving it. Excitement is the inner feeling that makes us enjoy before our desire becomes a reality. We can increase this “spark of life” if we decide to do it every day.

Dare to dream again

Tension lives within us and in the way we do things. We can live our daily lives monotonously, reluctantly, routinely and automatically – that is, without the will to live.

But we can also try to live each moment as if it were unique; put all our enthusiasm, joy and excitement on it because we know we are closer to what we want.

It can be said that the hope lies in having goals, desires and realistic as well as achievable projects. It lies in living every moment intensely in the hope of reaching our goals, but also in enjoying the whole effort.

Do you remember when you were a child? Childhood is a time full of hope, and it is no coincidence. During childhood we believe that everything is possible, are so excited when we have a plan, when a friend is coming over, when we write a letter to Santa etc…

Hope lets young children live every moment of their innocent childhood intensely. When we grow up, we discover that not everything is possible and that things are not as we want them to be, and that causes us to lose hope. It is based on disappointments, problems, frustration and suffering.

When we grow up, we discover real life and that it is not as fair as we thought it would be as a child. We run the risk of losing the hope of childhood, and with that we lose the ability to enjoy every moment because we are not sure that we can achieve projects and desires.

That’s why we live with the bittersweet taste of disappointment. Our hope is lost between reluctance and disappointment…

But life has so much to offer and surprise us with, and all you have to do is believe in it; you have to be excited about the little things in everyday life. If we regain our desires, projects and dreams in the small things of life, there is no doubt that it is possible to dream again.

And life will give us our fulfilled desires, projects and dreams only because we will believe in them and put all our energy into achieving them.

Life, with hope, is full of good times. Small moments that are worth living because they fill us with satisfaction and happiness, even if there are other less happy moments.

Laughing sun

By living with enthusiasm, life becomes the sum of the small moments, which brings us closer to our desired goals. Even the bad times are needed to advance through a life that is worthwhile.

To regain your enthusiasm and start dreaming again, I suggest a series of steps:

  • Aim to complete a project, have a dream or a purpose that gives meaning to your life. Every morning you should remember that life is worth living today, because every day you get closer to the project you want to complete in your life.
  • Live each moment with the same enthusiasm as when you were a child, and express this to the people around you while you bring out the good part of what you experience today, by learning, enjoying and feeling yourself on the way to getting what you suggested.
  • Thank life for every moment, good or bad, because everything makes us learn and improve in life. This is also a part of life you are willing to live, because you also have to grow and learn to get what you want.
  • Be amazed, get excited and let yourself be surprised by everything that happens to you. Life is still as magical as when you were little; you just have to want it to be that way and also feel that it is so to regain the excitement of childhood with the maturity of an adult.

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