Came Across A Breakup With An Emotional Detox

A breakup can feel liberating or it can make you feel incredibly sad. In any case, an emotional detox may be necessary to really evaluate what happened and move on.
Came across a breakup with an emotional detox

Emotional detox is a necessary step in the healing process after a breakup because a breakup can lead to other events that can make you doubt everything and everyone, and also make you angry.

Although it is possible to ignore your pain for a while, it is usually not the best way to move on, as the wounds remain unhealed. Sooner or later, your wounds can cause you to erupt in people who do not deserve it.

Different reactions to a breakup

Many factors can affect how you handle a breakup, such as age, timing, self-esteem, personality or your own personal commitment. On the one hand, if you were in a good relationship and the breakup was unexpected, it can make you feel really bad and suffer from low self-esteem. On the other hand, if you were in a bad relationship, the breakup might make you feel better.

In this regard, negative personal reactions can lead to specific actions and negative states of mind, which in turn can lead to dysfunctional behaviors, such as extreme anxiety, various forms of delusions and even revenge.

A woman looks at herself in a broken mirror.

Get rid of your old identity with emotional detox

After a breakup , some people experience anxiety, confusion, sadness and loneliness. These feelings can even develop into frustration and rage. In contrast, some people may experience freedom, strength, and optimism. But when you end up with someone, it also means that in a way you also end up with your old identity. This is because after the breakup you have to rebuild yourself and rediscover who you really are.

“I’m nothing without you”

The first step in overcoming a breakup is knowing who you are as an individual. Sometimes, when we are in a relationship, it is as if our “self” is attached to the other person. This is a mistake many people make.

When you separate from someone, you have to accept that things have changed. Accepting that things have changed is the first step. You must also realize that things will never be the same again and that you will not be the same person anymore.

When you break up with someone , your routine changes drastically. After all, humans are habitual animals with ingrained habits. Having to change the most basic routines can be difficult.

A woman embraces herself during emotional detox.

A broken or healed self-concept

A breakup can help you analyze your perception and your perception of yourself. If the relationship helped you create a better self-image, helped you grow as a person and highlighted important aspects of your own nature, you may feel that it is best for you to be in a relationship.

If, on the contrary, the relationship did not allow you to grow as a person or if it prevented you from expressing yourself, then the breakup can help you redefine yourself. If so, an emotional detox can help you become a better version of yourself.

Emotional detox to form your own perspective

Writing down your emotions as you go through a breakup is a great way to deal with it, and is an important part of an emotional detox.

Using writing involves three steps. First, think about what you think led to the breakup. Write it down, analyze it and assess how it affects your self-perception and your identity. The second step is to write down what the immediate consequences of the breakup are. The third and final step is to write about what the long-term consequences of the breakup mean.

It is about focusing on aspects other than sadness and negativity. Writing down what happened to you can help you really understand what really happened.

A woman with a suitcase walking on a road.

Abstinence and emotional detox

The chemical reactions that take place in the brain after a breakup are similar to those that a drug addict feels after a few days of not taking his drug.

Helen Fisher’s research results indicate that the brain’s reward and survival system is activated during the period when we experience romantic passion. This is another reason why emotional detox is so important.

An emotional detox can help you understand that there is also a physical body that goes through chemical changes when you feel the way you feel. This can be compared to an emotional abstinence. These symptoms are completely physical and time will help you overcome them.

When can you start a new relationship

Whether and when to start a new relationship depends entirely on how you feel; if you really trust the new person and if you have come across your ex. Sometimes a new flirtation, so-called “rebound”, can help you resolve internal conflicts that have been left behind by a painful breakup. It really depends entirely on how you feel.

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