When You Let Yourself Feel You Will Find Your Strength

When you let yourself feel, you will find your strength

It is in our nature to feel, but still we insist on putting up walls to hide our true selves. We do not let ourselves feel emotions and experiences as they are. When we feel fragile and unprotected, we lean too much on reason and move away from our true selves.

We have built our strength since we were children because it is not often that we feel worthy of affection. Faced with fear and emotional pain, we have learned to shield ourselves in order to adapt to a world that frightens us, in the belief that it is full of danger.

We have learned that when we show that we have weaknesses and difficulties, we can be hurt. When we are faced with breakups and disappointments, we have felt the pain and the deep anxiety that will open us up to our experiences. But shutting ourselves off from emotions is not the answer.

When we build these walls, we learn a whole repertoire of strategies to hide who we are. We learn to act automatically to adapt to prevailing prejudices and stereotypes, to our surroundings. We believe that there is a normal way of being and acting, and that we must get as close to it as possible.

The belief that there is a right way to behave prevents us from being who we really want to be. We are constantly fighting against what we feel, what we want, what motivates us, what stimulates us. We spend a lot of energy not acknowledging our feelings.

Boat at sea

We turn ourselves off so much that we become insensitive to injustice and to people we love and care about. We act automatically, out of obligation, completely without the essence, affection and kindness of our character.

You have tried to avoid your emotions in many situations, right? You have fought against yourself to become insensitive to something you do not want to experience. But avoiding pain is exactly what leads to permanent suffering.

The greatest strength within us is to let ourselves feel and experience. Only by feeling can you find your strength . We are afraid to let this happen and become prisoners or lost in this state. This is what makes us escape so quickly and avoid feeling our emotions.

Experiencing things that are unpleasant is necessary because it represents growth. Maturity and happiness are nourished by pain and sorrow. When we know these things, we learn from experience and value everything that is satisfying and beneficial to us to a greater degree.

Vulnerability is often confused with weakness. It’s part of letting yourself know what you need to feel, being honest and accepting that there are many things that can affect you. But that does not mean you have a weak character.

Woman in water

By accepting your vulnerability, you become open to experiencing the emotions that interactions evoke. It is a natural state of being, so why hide behind a mask that does not really represent you and that makes you unhappy? It is your own decision to remove this mask. When you stop avoiding and suppressing your emotions, you can begin to be.

The only way to grow and get to know yourself is to show yourself with all your vulnerabilities. This involves a great deal of your courage, your authenticity, your maturity and your strength. When you show yourself in such a natural way, you will make it possible to get the same thing from your surroundings: sincere ties based on love, not appearance.

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