The Challenge Of Disconnecting From The New Technology

The new technology has brought with it many positive things, but it also has some negative aspects.
The challenge of disconnecting from the new technology

Can you really disconnect from technology when you are constantly close to phones or computers? Is it healthy to be available around the clock for everyone who needs us?

As with everything else that surrounds us nowadays, the new technologies are always evolving and giving us a world of opportunities.

However, many have become too obsessed with being connected to the online world, to the point that they almost forget about reality itself. What happens when we cross the border?

To always be a click away (whether it is via e-mail, social networks or phone calls), it is considered to be something that characterizes a good, hard-working and generous person, and also a perfect partner.

In fact, even though it is important to be there for other people, it is you who is the most important person in your life. You should therefore not forget what is important to you.

The lives that some people take up are different from the lives that they really live. It is important to be aware that the online world is like an artificial theater.

With that said, you will be able to differentiate between these spheres if you disconnect from the technology from time to time.

We all have the right to be with ourselves. No matter how extroverted you are, everyone needs their private space. It is therefore important to disconnect sometimes.

We deserve to be able to relax, close our eyes, breathe deeply and focus on our mental state.

Woman holding smartphone.

Disconnecting from technology: what happens if you are online?

Some people think that it is important to be online at all times. However, this does not mean that they are right.

It’s pretty crazy when you think about how the new technologies have evolved; It has gone so far that many psychologists warn that it can be detrimental to one’s mental health to keep up with one’s smartphone for days on end.

A healthy way to approach new technologies is to use them for personal gain instead of the exact opposite. Do not become their slave. Keep in mind that you can decide when and how you want to use them.

You can choose what you want to publish and when, as well as when replying to messages. Every person who appreciates you will also respect your privacy.

The Internet and the new technologies will give us an opportunity to take responsibility for how we use technologies and what we teach our children.

The problem is based on the fact that all the opportunities that bring us closer to others can also capture us and make us slaves in the digital world.

Women hugging.

New technologies, new way of life

New technologies have often been a new way of relating to everyone around us and also how to live life. Our only choice nowadays is to accept this reality.

For example, if we no longer want to have contact with anyone, you can block the person on social media platforms, delete the person’s number, etc.

The same is true if you meet a new person: you are just a click away from learning more about that person, and sometimes more than that person wants.

With that said, it is your job to learn how far to go with social media and the new technology.

How much information will you share online? How much time will you spend with your appliances?

Once you have this clear to you, you will be able to use the new technology in a healthier way, without letting it control you.

We now have the opportunity to communicate with the people who are far away with just one click.

If your loved ones are near you, there is nothing better than spending time with them in real life and having real face-to-face conversations.

Let us not forget how important it is to have real contact and to relax sometimes.

The new technologies can be both positive and negative. It is up to you to decide when you go offline and live in your own reality. Would you like to disconnect from the technology a little more regularly?

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