5 Simple Yoga Poses To Channel Your Energy

5 simple yoga poses to channel your energy

Practicing yoga regularly helps you channel your energy and control your focus so that you can be more present. In this article, you will learn 5 simple yoga poses you can perform to channel your energy. 

At times when you feel you have no control, yoga can help you relate better to whatever you are going through. They broaden your perspective and give you more power to make decisions that will help you regain control.

In this regard, stress is one of the most common consequences of losing control of your life. This causes you to either run away from your problems or struggle with them. These reactions can cause both physical and mental illness. When facing major challenges, it is important that your nervous system works as efficiently as possible.

This is where yoga comes into the picture. Yoga helps your body and mind to rest and process everything that happens around you. One of the best ways to do this is to allow more energy to flow through your body. This flow of energy is called “prana” in yoga. And the yoga exercises help us to channel this energy flow in a smart way.

When prana flows efficiently, it is easier for everything to function properly. So, by letting more energy flow through your body, you will be able to manage stress and thus increase your overall well-being.

Deepak Chopra – a doctor, author and speaker – specializing in spirituality, explains that humans consist of four different parts: the spiritual body (or energy), the mental body, the emotional body and the physical body. These four bodies are deeply interconnected.

What affects one body affects the other three. Therefore, if you are emotionally exhausted, you are transferring this energy to your physical body. Taking care of each of the four bodies strengthens your being and makes you happier and more productive.

There are many ways to create balance and channel your energy. Research shows that physically active people usually have a more positive attitude than sedentary people. However, the biggest challenge is still knowing how to maintain optimal energy levels when we do not have time to exercise.

How can we get the extra energy we need? Yoga may be the answer. It has become popular in recent years as a form of exercise. It is the perfect way to get your body moving because it does not require any equipment and you can do it anywhere and whenever you want.

Balasana (position of the child)

The first of these simple yoga poses you can do almost anywhere is called “balasana”, or “baby position”. It restores balance and harmony and leads your mind to a state of openness and receptivity. In addition to massaging your internal organs, balasana calms your mind and central nervous system. It also releases stress, fatigue and tension.

This position helps to develop a broader understanding of your breathing. Although balasana is not physically challenging, it is good for channeling your energy.

Woman doing yoga position Balasana

Urdhva hastasana (upward greeting)

“Urdhva hastasana” is a position that helps relieve fatigue and relieve mild anxiety. Most people actually do it unconsciously after getting out of bed, which stimulates the body’s energy after a night’s sleep.

This simple yoga posture increases subtle energy while creating contact with the energy that goes down. With a little practice, you will notice how your strength builds up in the abdomen and the energy begins to flow up through your back while you let your feet stand stably against the ground.

Woman doing yoga pose Urdhva Hastasana

Ardha dhanurasana (Halfbow)

It is traditionally said that the ardha dhanurasana opens the manipura chakra , which is the body’s energy and vitality centers. By activating manipura , you can dispel fear and insecurity and increase your self-esteem, self-confidence and your sense of purpose in life.

This position also opens the ” nadis” (channels for energy flow in the body in yoga)  and therefore encourages the flow of prana in the body. By regulating the flow of inner energy, this position leads to self-realization and strengthening of self-confidence. It makes it easier to let go of insignificant things.

In addition,  ardha dhanurasana has the following health-promoting benefits for the mind:

  • Improves focus.
  • Gives energy to the mind.
  • Increases willpower and self-esteem.
  • Increases clarity.
  • Relieves stress and depression.
Woman doing yoga on jetty

Vriksasana (tree stand)

Vriksasana is a balance sheet because you have to concentrate on keeping your balance. Just as the roots of a tree hold it in place, so it is with vriksasana. Where your feet support your legs and your upper body and allow you to stand up straight, strong and elegant. This yoga pose also helps you improve your balance, your focus and your mental clarity.

In addition, it activates the muladhara chakra . This stimulation promotes self-confidence, increases energy flow, calms the mind and helps you feel well established.

Woman doing yoga pose Vrikasana

Urdhva mukha svanasana (upward dog)

Last but not least, we have urdhva mukha svanasana . This yoga pose stimulates the heart chakra, opens up the body for compassion, love and gratitude. This yoga position opens and expands the chest, which gives a feeling of increased confidence and positive energy and inspiration.

Urdhva mukha svanasana is an extrovert position that can balance our tendency to lose attitude when we feel depressed or overwhelmed. In addition, it stimulates the epiphysis, an endocrine gland that produces hormones that control the central nervous system. This gland is responsible for the body’s sleep patterns.

Woman doing yoga pose Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

To get the most out of these simple yoga poses  , you need to practice them. As soon as you master them, you will rediscover the forgotten “mental paths” that channel your energy.

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