The World Needs Examples, Not Opinions

The world needs examples, not opinions

There are times when it is painful to live in this world; when personal interests, financial benefits, evil and selfishness always seem to emerge victorious from battle.

It may lead us to believe that good people are few in number and that they will therefore not be able to do anything of greater importance in the world.

But good people are those who keep the world balanced and complete the puzzle with their sincerity, honesty and good deeds.

There are images that hurt, that really hurt us and that make our souls uncomfortable. Even if we close our eyes, the pain of others will always torment us. There are situations where injustice hits us in the face, like a slap in the face.

Unfortunately , many of the things that hurt us today will be forgotten tomorrow. Take this photo, which illustrates these words as a perfect example – a photo of misfortune, shame and anguish.

Boy with wings

Thanks to the internet, we open our eyes and know that the strings that control us are much crueler than we can tolerate. It is probably precisely these words and images that hurt and make us uncomfortable, but accidents on the internet go viral as quickly as they are forgotten.

We all have opinions, but if we later weigh our actions and our purposes, it is the latter who win. We are afraid of the ideas that are disruptive and we have a real fear that the interests that control this world are greater than our union.

Our emotions want an impact on a world we are still afraid of. Despite this, there is no hurricane that carries away our emotions. They may be weakened, but they will always remain with us and prevent our indifference.

Maybe we are stuck in a spiral that makes us feel empty. But I still believe in people; I still trust our ability to believe, to feel and to act accordingly.

We have a great ability to justify ourselves with our words. To give our opinion, we often fill a sentence with emotion, but then our fear wins the battle rather than acting.

When faced with injustice, we cannot protect ourselves with any phrases that mask our frustration. We must express our opinions and not close our eyes; we must forgive ourselves and start acting.

Cat and boy

With our lack of action, we poison our conscience. Injustice shines so brightly that it can blind us. We must not let this be only fleeting; we can fight against those who create misfortune. If we act, we can serve as good examples rather than just offering opinions.

The world is a house for all of us who inhabit it. The fact that it was already here when we were born and that it will stay after we die does not mean that we are not responsible for what is in it.

Children die of hunger. Divided refugee families. Raped women. Murdered soldiers. People with your own genes are enslaved and sew your clothes. Tortured animals. Destroyed nature. Governments, rich and mafia that play with you, create your needs, hide interests and sit back comfortably.

All this is much more than just an opinion. Because of these things, the world needs your example, your action, your struggle. People like you and me are what the world needs to catch its breath, turn around and breathe.

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