5 Psychological Strategies For Waking Up In The Morning

5 psychological strategies for waking up in the morning

Waking up in the morning can be a real challenge for us, regardless of whether you have another depressing day of work ahead of you or because you have not slept enough. However, this is not so difficult if it is important for us to wake up in a good way and get an advantage over the clock, or simply not fall asleep again.

Today we will talk about 5 psychological strategies that will help us wake up in the morning. The truth is that they work, even though many may think they are funny, either because they seem funny to us or because we have seen them in a movie. In fact, they are good at achieving that goal that many find so difficult.

By adopting healthy habits, you will sleep better and be more productive during the day.

Place the watch as far away as possible

It has probably happened to you that you were so tired when you woke up that you turned off the alarm clock without being aware of it. A few minutes later you woke up and wondered why it had not called. It had called, but you turned it off without realizing it. It is therefore important to set the alarm clock as far away as possible.

You will then have no choice but to get up to turn off the sound. This way, it will be much easier and you will not feel tempted to continue sleeping because you will already be on your feet! If you also make sure that the alarm clock has a high volume and that it has an alarm that you simply can not ignore, it will be much easier for you.

Woman and watch

Take a look at your sleeping environment

Is it not true that if you open your eyes and see that your room is a mess, you do not feel like waking up in the morning? It is therefore important that you take care of your sleeping environment, so that it is as inviting to get up as to fall asleep again. To achieve this, however, you need to think about all the elements that can distract you, such as the light from a computer or messages that you receive on your phone.

What do we mean by this? Your phone that can receive messages at 2 in the morning or the TV that has not been programmed to turn itself off and is therefore on all night. All this will make you take longer to sleep and you will also wake up again and again during the night.

A suitable temperature and a comfortable mattress and comfortable pillows can give you a much better rest.

Try music

Waking up and putting on your favorite music can be a great option to give you energy and start the day well. This will allow you to brush your teeth, wash, have breakfast and put on clothes at a slower pace than if there had been total silence. However, you should remember not to turn it on too high so that you do not even wake the neighbors.

You might be wondering what music is best to wake up to? One of the best options is to put on some kind of motivational music that charges your batteries, improves your mood and makes you feel like you can handle anything!

Jumping dog

An app can help us wake up in the morning

Thanks to the latest technology, you can get help to wake up and not fall asleep again. Some of these apps are also programmed to respect your sleep cycles and help you sleep much better. But what do you do when the alarm bell rings and your body refuses to get out of bed?

There is a very interesting app with a puzzle – Puzzle Alarm Clock. This is an app that will not stop calling until it knows you are awake. How does it do this? You need to solve various problems or riddles before you can turn off your alarm for good. A new and entertaining way for you to wake up in the morning.

Start the day with a game that requires concentration and you really need to get up.

Maintain a healthy circadian rhythm

To maintain a healthy circadian rhythm and wake up with more energy, you should follow some steps that you may not have thought of. First of all, you should not eat large dinners because then your body will have to digest a lot of food, which can give you insomnia.

It is also not recommended that you take caffeine after 6 pm. We should also not forget that you must be consistent with your sleep times. You can not expect to get up at 5 o’clock if you have gone to bed at 2 in the morning.

Woman by the lake

Remember that we should sleep at least 6 hours. Every person is different. Some people get enough sleep with 7 hours, others need 8. The important thing is that we learn to maintain a good sleep rhythm and adopt healthy habits that allow us to get a good rest to wake up in the morning. All of this will have an important impact on your day, on your way of managing it and your productivity. It’s definitely worth it!

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