Emotional Responsibility

Emotional responsibility

Emotional responsibility includes taking responsibility for our actions and behaviors as well as our thoughts and feelings. In short, our existence.

During our lives , we actually talk about ourselves when we talk to others. Although we believe that we give opinions about something or someone else, we actually project and attribute responsibility to others for how we feel.

The majority of all comments we make about others are in fact weak and masked statements about ourselves.

For this reason , our reading of others can be a true reflection of what is happening to us. The external speaks to us and acts as a mirror if we are ready to see what unresolved problems we have within us.

Is not it time to take responsibility?

“You are responsible for how I feel”

We have become accustomed to placing the responsibility for our feelings on others, just as we feel responsible for how others feel. It means redirecting focus elsewhere instead of putting it on ourselves.

In this way , we feel responsible if someone close to us feels bad and tries to do something to make that person feel better, as if we have a formula to alleviate the suffering of others. On the other hand, we transfer responsibility for the feeling we experience when we feel bad, either to another person or to the external situation.

Who do we give control to our own emotions?

Taking responsibility for the feelings of others can be a big commitment to our individual development, just like shifting how we feel by looking for others who can take the blame. Or maybe not the “blame”, but rather the emotional “paperwork”; the emotional responsibility.

How many times have you said, “You make me angry” or “You make me feel bad ?

It is not about finding someone to blame, but rather about identifying how you feel when faced with certain situations and accepting who you are and how it makes you feel. You must begin to process your anger, your envy, your anger and your sorrow because the answers are not on the outside, but on the inside.

Let us stop looking around and outside ourselves, and instead turn our attention to our inner reality and continue to grow.

If you do not take responsibility for your feelings, then who should? The people near you? The situation? Doesn’t feel very stable, does it?

This does not mean that you should not express yourself and show how you feel about respecting others, but rather that you should take responsibility for how you feel, and instead of giving up control of your well-being, grab the baton and control it yourself.

You have every right to interfere with something that has happened, just as everyone else has; it’s okay to feel that way. But if you take command of it , everything will be considerably more satisfying because you will be in the middle of a process of self-growth and discovery, where every moment comes from either other people or a specific situation, but whatever is an opportunity to get to know yourself even better.

This also happens when we talk to the people around us. I invite you to be a little more aware of all this when you share an opinion about someone or criticize someone else. Usually , what you say is something that you yourself have also committed or something you have experienced or felt.

“I will take responsibility for how I feel”

What can we do about all this?

First , we must accept the possibility that we are actually projecting ourselves onto others. This is not easy, but if we have it in mind and come to ourselves to do it, it is because at the moment we are not able to accept what it is we are projecting, which is why we transfer it to other. Therefore, it is obvious that we tend to oppose taking responsibility for our actions. After this, we really need to become aware.

“You do not make me angry, I get angry when you do something or when something happens. I am the one who feels anger, sadness or anger when I am faced with different situations in life and I do not dismiss or avoid them, but instead I let myself feel and accept them, to later see what I can do with them. More than anything else, however, I am responsible for myself. ”

When we take responsibility for ourselves, we accept everything that belongs to us: the ownership of our emotions, our thoughts, our actions and their consequences.

When you become aware of and can observe yourself, you will notice all the things that have not yet been done, all the things you can add to life. You can work on these things to keep evolving and growing. But I’ll warn you, because it will not be easy. You will often be faced with contradictions because your ego wants to protect itself.

But that is perhaps the beauty of the crow song – the process of discovering yourself with strong statements and difficult contradictions, to finally accept them as part of yourself and who you are.

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