When I Released My Ego I Won Everything Else

When I let go of my ego, I won everything else

Our ego is a product of poor emotional education. It has focused on one idea: success means showing others a picture of oneself without defects, fears or doubts. It is practically a duty to show oneself better than one’s friends. We must do this even if it means overshadowing what we really feel, what we really want. Therefore, we often confuse self-esteem with keeping our ego safe.

Your damaged ego shows that you are suffering from every mark of humiliation or defeat in the eyes of others. And this is something that you do not tolerate well and that makes you feel sad and angry at the same time. We learn to win, but to win we must be willing to learn. This implies that we will feel vulnerable, to fall and get up many times. Letting the ego go to learn the lessons of life.

In that cycle, you must be prepared to not always be the best version of yourself. Accept that others will be able to see you with the things you always try to hide. If you want to move forward, you must agree to lose your pride in many circumstances. Many people are consumed by themselves by not accepting risks that could place them on “thin ice”. They let their egos win and lose everything else.

The struggle for our ego takes away our peace

An existential void may consume you, but you prefer to keep pretending instead of seeming vulnerable. Due to luck or bad luck, you do not suffer from any specific disease. You have only one common trait that unfortunately affects a large number of people: vanity, ego.


It is said that it is better to be happy than to be right. To accept what others consider to be a mistake or a weakness in order to achieve our peace. Sometimes we do not even fight for something where we know our point of view is completely correct.

The struggle to maintain our ego will undoubtedly lead to defeat

The struggle to keep our ego safe is a struggle between our ego and the world, where we have already lost. One day we will notice that the inability to accept a weakness has actually exacerbated this problem. This has caused us to lose certain people we love and who have loved us.


To get something we want, for the satisfaction that this generates within us without proving something to anyone else, we often have to let go of our vanity. This implies experience and giving up things, but it also implies that we live a life of meaning.

It also implies that we make mistakes and that we look back without waiting for time to show us that we were right. Maybe we were never right or maybe we were right, but it does not matter at the moment anyway. For now it has nothing to do with what has already happened.

When you let go of your ego, you get your life back

Unleash your ego to overcome your inner self to regain control of your life. Your feelings and thoughts are automatic and cannot be predicted, just like the events that may occur in your life. It is already difficult enough to deal with the contradictions and events of daily life. We should not make it worse by always trying to make everything go perfectly or as others want it.

If you always want to be perfect and show the best version of yourself, then you may have no choice but to watch life go by while sitting there with a big smile. You do not make any mistakes, you do not take any risks. It’s the closest you can come to not living.

You will not always feel good emotionally, and you will not always show the best picture of yourself. You may see yourself as a creature that is not perfect. But you will also live intensely.

With all our ups and downs, with our successes and mistakes, we try to live life as best we can. It is a part of ourselves and who we are, no matter how difficult it may be to acknowledge and accept it. Many of the shortcomings that you or others do not consider tolerable are invisible to everyone else. Sometimes the lack of vanity is the gain of self-esteem.

Many of the mistakes you have made have ceased to exist in the memories of others. Now they exist only in the defensive strategies of your hurt and arrogant “I”. They only exist in your suffocating ego, which makes you depressed and robs you of the present. It does so in order to reach a triumph that no longer exists. The only thing left is all the bitterness and anger that you have within you.

Show your ego the door and let it go. Open the door to life, even if it can hurt sometimes. Let go of your ego. It’s worth all the hassle in the world.

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