Unexpected Ways To Relieve Emotional Pain

Unexpected ways to relieve emotional pain

With the focus on well-being that is so prevalent in our society, we obviously avoid emotional pain at any cost. But no matter how much we hide from it , the pain will inevitably show its face sooner or later, because it is a part of life.

We never want to experience bad times; we want everything to go right, be constantly happy and enjoy life. When the pain shows up, we do not want to accept or harden it.

Learning to live with emotional pain and the knowledge that it will come and must be confronted, is a way to mature and learn about our emotions. Emotions often appear, however, and make themselves at home in us when we do not want them there.

Sometimes it’s hard to control them, even though we’re trained for it; this is because they are created in our subconscious mind.

You may be suspicious of the following techniques, but try to have an open mind. Do not question them directly in wondering if they are effective. Just exercise them and see for yourself what effects they have on body and mind.

Look for a quiet place and turn on some relaxing music. Also arrange an aroma you like that makes you relaxed. Do you feel safe? Does this give you peace and quiet?

Draw a picture of this place. It will be a memory of this moment of peace and happiness that you experienced. Do not be afraid to go to your little hiding place when you need it. It will help you disconnect from the outside world and connect with yourself.

Summer meadow

Look through old magazines for photographs that represent the emotional pain you want to leave behind. Do not think too much; just start cutting and arranging your collage.

When you are done , ask yourself what you want to capture with your collage, what meaning it has or more precisely what it symbolizes.

Observe it, breathe and break free from it.

Find a moment and a quiet place to lie down or sit comfortably. Try to leave the mind blank.

Close your eyes and concentrate only on your breathing. Feel your stomach swell and how the air slowly comes out of your nose. If negative thoughts invade your mind, let them pass by like simple ghosts.

Let yourself flow with the flow of your breathing…

Music is without a doubt one of the best tools for evoking emotions. Music activates our alpha waves, which are responsible for peace and quiet.

Turn on music that represents the feeling you want to get rid of. You will undoubtedly feel great relief.

Take a piece of paper, even better if it is a piece of the color you think represents the feeling you want to leave behind. Tear it slowly and feel how you put your negative emotions into the paper. Focus.

Spend about ten minutes on this activity.

Scribble just to. Do not think; just imagine that all your negative emotions are left behind in these drawings. Dedicate all the time you need and see if you feel better or not.

Along with these strange techniques, you should also not be afraid to use other, more conventional methods:

Girl and bare trees
  • Do not judge your negative or painful feelings. Living with them is part of the healing process. It is better to accept them than to fight them.
  • Ventilate by crying. Crying relieves emotional pain and allows us to free ourselves. There is no doubt about it: crying is like a current that pulls in and pulls away the negative. We feel more relaxed, as if we have got rid of a great burden from our shoulders.
  • Talk to someone you really trust. Talking and being honest with someone who has nice words for us, who does not judge us and who shows affection can really help us.

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