The Legend Of The Sword Of Damocles

The legend of Damocles’ sword originated in Rome. But despite its ancient dating, we still tend to refer to it in our everyday language today.
The legend of Damocles' sword

Experts say that the historian Timaios from Tauromenion created the legend of Damocles’ sword. However , it was the famous philosopher Cicero who made it a story. In fact, he is still quoted as its author.

It is said that the legend of Damocles’ sword contains some real characters. But much of the story is made up. In addition, it is a moralistic story. Cicero included it in his works Tusculanae Disputationes. From that time on, history became popular in the West.

Marcus Tullius Cicero was one of the great Roman philosophers and thinkers. In fact, he was a great defender of the Roman Republic. He was known as the “Tyrant of Syracuse”. The legend of Damocles’ sword is also an allusion to this dictator.

A statue of Marcus Tullius Cicero.
A statue of Marcus Tullius Cicero.

The tyranny of Dionysius the Elder

Dionysius the Elder came to power thanks to a conspiracy. He had great persuasive power, which certainly helped him to seize power. This is how it went. At that time, it was not uncommon for heads of state to have escorts. However, Dionysius wanted warriors under his command. Therefore, he invented a conspiracy against himself and the people agreed that he would have 600 men to take care of him.

He liked to be a conqueror because it allowed him to expand his territories. In addition, he exercised great power over his people and was ruthless towards his enemies. He also enjoyed many sensual pleasures. Food, drink and women were truly an integral part of his daily life. His son, also called Dionysius, was exactly the same.

Dionysius the Elder had great power. However, he was not satisfied. He lived completely fenced off from the world because he was so afraid that his enemies would kill him. In fact, it is said that he slept in a bedroom that was surrounded by a moat so that no one could crawl up on him. In addition, he only trusted his daughters to groom his beard and serve him food.

The legend of Damocles’ sword

The story goes that there was a courtier named Damocles who constantly flattered Dionysius. Damocles told everyone that Dionysius was a great man. He even praised his lifestyle. He also claimed that abundance of food and drink was perfectly appropriate for all great rulers.

However, many believed that Damocles was actually jealous of Dionysius. One day the two met and, as usual, the courtier continued to flatter Dionysius excessively. Dionysius had grown quite tired of this and suggested that they change places for a day. This was so that Damocles could experience what it was like to have the weight of power and everything that belonged on his shoulders.

Damocles accepted the proposal with delight. The next day he came very early to the government offices to take Dionysius’ place. He sat on the throne and a multitude of servants took care of all his whims.

Suddenly Damocles looked up and discovered a sharp sword just above his head. In addition, it was supported only by a single strand of hair from a ponytail. Therefore, it was obvious that if the thin straw fell off, the sword would fall and cut off his head. When Damocles realized this fact, he no longer enjoyed the rest of the day, even though it was full of food, drink, and women. In fact, later in the day he asked Dionysius to end the experiment.

Hanging knife over apple

The story behind the legend

Cicero, who wrote the most famous version of the legend of Damocles’ sword, belonged to the philosophical school known as Stoicism. It advocated a life without abundance because they believed that abundance led to suffering. Consequently, it is thought that Cicero wanted to show the other side of luxury and grandeur.

Others, however, believe that the legend was a direct criticism of the dictator himself. This is because the story emphasized Dionysius’ weak point: the fear of being betrayed and harmed by his loved ones. Indeed, history tends to show that power itself carries risks that make it impossible for those in power to enjoy a normal life.

It is also said that Cicero’s version is an allegory that can apply to all people. In this respect, the sword would represent death, which always deceives and from which no one can escape. That we all live under the constant threat of death, that the straw can fall off at any time so we are beheaded.

Today, the term “sword of Damocles” is used to refer to situations where a mistake can lead to very serious consequences. For example, John F. Kennedy said in one of his speeches that all of humanity is threatened by the same sword as Damocles. The threat of nuclear war.

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