Yes, There Are Men Who Really Love Women!

Yes, there are men who really love women!

To love is an art, you train yourself and get better

There are many myths in society about what a “real man” really is. Many of these myths have over the years been replaced by or supplemented by more reality-based assessments.

Many times the passion between two lovers develops into something uncontrollable. This can be exciting at first, but after a while it often leads to this uncontrolled passion becoming toxic.

As the passion turns to control and jealousy, romance and magic disappear; the relationship turns into something bitter.

Love couple

Few Hollywood movies convey the meaning of true coexistence, where both parties must give and take for the relationship to work. When the intimate and mutual coexistence ends, the mystique also disappears, and the relationship becomes less alive.

But there are movies that stand out from the crowd. For those who long to enjoy a love story in the “real and uncensored” version, we can recommend Michael Haneke’s Oscar-winning film Amour from 2012; a film that in a moving way shows what true love and mutual respect is all about.

The irresistible charm of men who do not dominate your life, but share it

Men who really want to share a woman’s life and get to know her deeply are often not valued highly.

It is also not so bad often that these become heroes in the world of literature and film. Here it is war and conquest that is on the agenda, and not that one should be humane.

It can be relatively easy to find a man who longs to be a hero and conqueror, as many men have these traits. But there are also the men who are truly grateful for the gift of having a human mind, in order to improve rather than dominate.

Flower in street crack

These men fill hearts that cross their path deeply and genuinely. A relationship with this type of man never goes from dream to nightmare. It remains a dream that both man and woman share.

Yes, of course there are men who genuinely love women

Men who genuinely love women do not try to dominate. Nor are they obsessed with seducing, but welcome that the woman also seduces the man.

They do not feel that they need a reputation for having had many women. Rather, they value the qualities of a woman that make them feel happy.

They care more about getting to know a woman’s true identity, what she really is, rather than bragging about past conquests.

Woman sleeping

They believe that happiness arises from both feeling fulfilled in a relationship and not from controlling the woman.

They understand that love can disappear, and have the ability to reflect on its process.

They value stability and routine, but only as long as this interacts with both the man’s and the woman’s free will.

There are more such men out there than you might think, but it’s important to seize the opportunity when they cross your path!

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