Ending A Relationship Well Is The Best Start For A New

Ending a relationship well is the best start for a new one

Ending a relationship and starting a new one means starting a new chapter in the book of life. This means that you learn from previous homework in the previous chapters to take full advantage of the next. However, this does not mean that we should get stuck in the past as people who drive around with their hand on the brake “in case” .

Sometimes we encounter very common problems when we start a new love relationship. Depending on how our previous relationships have been, we will be more or less careful. We wander around in the dark uncertainty of this new challenge that life has given us.

Instead of becoming a spontaneous and natural act, it will be something risky to fall in love. Fear takes our hand and whispers in our ears the future risks that are related to problems from the past. This paralyzes spontaneity and our joy. Unfortunately, this distances us from ourselves and it becomes something unfair both to ourselves and to the new person who has arrived in our lives.

You should end a relationship before starting a new chapter

Spontaneity and mental peace were often buried as if they were meant for a better place. They are waiting to be picked up from where we have placed them. Why? Maybe because a great fear is born after previous mistakes. Because you made the wrong decision, because you did not know how to predict signs or interpret them correctly.

Woman by the lake

As a result, you have to let time pass to end a relationship properly and let everything melt (as best you can). To be able to filter all the lessons you have experienced. If we immediately start a new one after we have chosen to end a relationship, we do not let ourselves rest. The rest period that the heart needs to calm down and to be able to understand the experiences we have had.

In cases where previous relationships have been toxic and difficult, we must go through a period of time to learn what this previous relationship has taught us. Blaming everything on the other person instead of taking our share of responsibility will never help. It is therefore always important that we have an honest dialogue with ourselves.

As we learn from the past, we will make better decisions

The following chapters will be read in a more liberal way without so much crux. People will therefore come into our lives more naturally, in a less forced way. The heart will calm down and learn from the past, and it will then be willing to embark on a new adventure, which is healthy and free.

Couple on got

The mistakes we learned from in the previous relationship will help us choose the right person in the future. Of course, we do not want to experience that situation again that has made us suffer before. It is therefore important that we ask ourselves what responsibility we had in the previous experience. What are the wounds that have made us choose one person over another as a love partner?

Uncertainty is a part of life, we cannot let it paralyze us

From that clean and healthy place, we will be better at choosing a new partner in life. We will not choose the person due to shortcomings in ourselves, but we will be able to make a healthy decision. We will be able to choose someone who enriches us, who brings light and pleasure with his presence.

It is important to learn from the past in order to continue walking along the path of life. It is an aspect of our existence to be unsure if everything will work, but you have become wiser and everything will thus become less chaotic.

It is good to be careful and have some respect for what is to come, but at the same time we must leave room for life to surprise us. You will thus succeed in closing your previous chapters well and learn the lessons to be able to start a new chapter in a life full of hope. This is the only way you will be able to welcome new things into your life.

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