Do You Want Motivated Colleagues? Avoid These Phrases!

Do you want motivated colleagues?  Avoid these phrases!

Paul. G. Thomas said, “Help others become motivated people by guiding them to the source of their own power.” So how can we actually do this and what steps should we avoid?

Specialists in motivation and business management have studied the effects of language, phrases and strategies for motivation. Some phrases can either motivate or demotivate people.

Motivation is not only necessary at a work level; it is needed in all aspects or projects of life. It is important to think about the way you speak and give advice to people who are already motivated.

If you do not like a specific way you are treated, remember not to treat others in the same way. So if you have heard these phrases and know that they made you feel bad, you should ask yourself why you expose others to them. Respect everyone, motivated or not.

  • You can not do anything right. If you dream of having a person’s or employee’s self-esteem fall, this is the phrase that will accomplish it. So never use this phrase with anyone, especially not children. It directly attacks the receiver’s safety, idling and capacity for proper development.
Internal criticism
  • You should be grateful that I let you work here. An employee justifies his salary through honest effort, courage and experience. It is clearly a bilateral relationship. This concept should also never be used in connection with social groups, families or environments where one person has more power than another.
  • It is your problem. Another banned phrase for a good leader. In a team, whether it is at work, at school, in collaborations, etc., all problems are solved by the group. No one should turn their backs on clouds of unrest, because all members are part of it all. Empathy and communication are vital.
  • That’s what I pay you for. A common phrase that should never be used. At a time when collaboration is more valued and responsibilities are shared, it is very counterproductive to utter this phrase.
  • It should be so because it has always been so. We live in a constantly changing world. What was once dogma is now unproductive. So encourage creativity in everyone.
Manager criticizes employee
  • I’m not paying you to think. If an employee is not paid to think, why do you want him there? Not valuing or improving a person’s skills is negative for project success, both at work and in life. We all have something interesting and valid to contribute.
  • Do not take your problems to work. Man still can not split in two. All employees or other people with problems therefore always carry them with them. Instead of dismissing them, we should show empathy with the individual and help him overcome the bad situation. Hopefully, the person’s problems will not weigh down his work as much.
  • I’m the boss here. Another phrase we have all heard at some point in the workplace, in a group project, or even at home. This is a big mistake because sharing responsibilities is much more productive. Everyone should feel part of the team and be motivated to do their best.

These phrases will never have a motivating effect. Using empathy and treating others with justice is a much more productive and appropriate policy.

7 tips to increase your motivation

Motivation is very important to implement what we want to achieve. Motivation is the driving force that comes from within and that helps us to overcome obstacles we face, perform at the top with what we work with and successfully achieve it… Read more »

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