Make Your Wishes Come True Without Limitations

Make your wishes a reality without restrictions

It is not easy to make your wishes a reality without restrictions. Life constantly presents us with challenges, and we must decide which ones to ignore and which ones to tackle. But on some occasions we go through extreme situations. These situations put us to the test and in many cases show us that we are stronger than we thought.

Other times, our wishes never come true, and we do not know why. In this article, we will try to find out some of the reasons behind this. If you read on , you will discover where these inexplicable limitations come from and why they prevent us from getting what we want.

First of all, we must realize that our desires come as a result of wanting to have something we do not have. Sometimes this is the simple fact that we want something to be a certain way, or at another time in our lives.

Furthermore, we somehow feel that the matter in question is missing in our lives and that we need it, despite the limitations.

To fill this void is to practice some form of method or strategy. If we succeed, all is well. The problem arises when we notice that we did not immediately get what we wanted. What we thought we wanted so much was really not what we wanted.

This result is as frustrating as when we work very hard to reach a personal goal, but do not reach it. In fact, sometimes we never satisfy the desires we are fighting for the most. No matter how much we use the resources we have access to, we just can not move forward.

Our goals always seem to be just beyond our reach.

It is as if reality insists that we should go in the opposite direction than our intuition and logical thinking say. No matter how much we seek, we never seem to reach the goal in question. So what’s going on in the background? Where are the unattainable obstacles that mean we cannot overcome our limitations?

This is the mystery when trying to make your wishes come true.

Very often we are not sure what we really want. We not only allow ourselves to be influenced by collective desires expressed in advertising, for example, but also by comments from friends and family.

The truth is that even if these comments were made with the best of intentions, they may not reflect our true needs. We need to know who we should take to ourselves in order to make our own desires a reality.

Locate your boundaries

The family is often an ongoing band of expectations. From the moment we are born, a kind of “ideal” is created for us. If we are the oldest in the household, we have our responsibilities. If we are the youngest, we must stay within the framework. And so on, with different aspects, such as gender and appearance.

The things the family goes through when we come into the world will also affect our lives to a great extent.

When it comes down to it, we are the result of other people’s desires. It is a desire that made our lives possible. To some extent we were wanted, because otherwise we probably would not have been born. And if the same wish had not continued, we would not have survived the first years either.

However, the desire that has taken us into the world is not always a clear or healthy one. Even so, owning one is still beyond the reach of the average person. Part of the process of growing up is to free ourselves from this and understand the desire that made our lives possible.

We must also define the extent to which these expectations are consistent with our personal ideals and limitations.

We live in a world where it seems as if everyone is capable of issuing an expert opinion on what our wishes should be. Of course, this depends to a large extent on where we live and in what environment we grew up in. The good and the bad, what one should want and not, are decided to some extent before we are even born.

Remove the blindfold

During childhood, a series of right and wrong is written into our lives. Some of them are clear. They say how you “should” be. They reward you for adapting your life to their standards and punish you for not doing so. This way, you will learn certain behavior patterns that eventually become a habit.

In addition to this repertoire of direct orders, there is also a set of masked orders that are more difficult to grasp.

Imagine a mother comforting her son who feels sad. You see them, and without her saying anything to you, you feel that you owe her something. Maybe she expects you to comfort them, to release her from her frustration, loneliness, pain.

Maybe that’s what she’s trying to convey to you. And without realizing it, you accept her expectations as a subconscious command in your life.

In the same way, it is likely that those who have a mother like this will also experience difficulties in defining and fulfilling their own wishes. They will feel that they are hurting their mother’s feelings by seeking their own independence. Or that they betray her if they are happy.

But since all this is happening subconsciously, they are probably not aware of it. This feeling is only often reflected in how they undermine themselves, hesitate and live a life without goals.

If you feel that you can not define what your desires are, then it is likely that one of these subconscious commands is effective. The same applies if you have a clearly defined wish, but do not succeed in fulfilling it no matter how hard you try.

Face with flowers

The key to understanding what is happening may lie in the childhood and desires of the people around you. You may be able to identify some of the expectations that were developed for you. You may have been able to deliberately dismiss them and separate yourself from them.

To win the battle between making your conscious desires a reality and the subconscious limitations imposed on you, you must first identify the hidden forces in your life. To do so, you must undergo a self-examination, which enables therapeutic help.

This is a very successful way to let you locate your limitations. You can then become fully aware of them and limit their power in your life, allowing you to make wishes come true.

Pictures from Ammy Judd and F. Infante

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