3 Good Reasons Not To Give The Children A Phone

3 good reasons not to give children a phone call

Are you thinking about giving your children a phone call? Had it been something good or bad? We understand why you may have doubts about this.

Technology is a part of life nowadays and children are getting better at using it. Their enormous capacity to learn at this age, their curiosity and the endless possibilities that our devices offer, can be irresistible to our children.

The children have discovered the new technology and nowadays they get angry pretty soon if they are not allowed to play with your phone.

If you want to make a good decision, in this article we will address 3 good reasons not to give your children a phone call. Or at least you should let them have it under supervision, and for a limited time.

It affects the development of neurons: The devices teach the brain to function with constant stimulation

It may seem like a good thing to always work well in an environment where we are constantly stimulated. In fact, many parenting experts say it is important to stimulate children early. In this way, they can reach their full potential when it comes to intellectual development.

But what happens is that the phone’s stimulus is not healthy.

Children with telephone

Why then this? Mobile devices constantly overstimulate the brain and this creates a volatile environment.

This overstimulation is not healthy because it is not like the stimulus that a child will encounter later in life.

It is said that overstimulation is not healthy because it is something artificial. This is something that can give rise to a lot of frustration as the child later has to face real life, which will feel more boring and less stimulating.

Therefore, studies have been conducted that have linked the use of mobile devices in children under 10 (the age at which the white mass of the brain is most formed) with dyslexia.

Giving children a phone call exposes them to the dangers of the internet and social media

Giving children a telephone means giving them access to a world that parents cannot control: the internet. Let’s use a metaphor: if you had not left the children alone in the store without checking who they were talking to, playing with or interacting with, why would you have given them your phone?

No matter how convinced you are that the children will use the device responsibly, this is not so badly realistic. If you try, you will be able to monitor what the children are doing on the phone for the first few days.

But then you will probably start to trust them and lower your guard. So as time goes on, you may expose your children to stimuli and situations over which you have no control.

When you give them a phone call, it also becomes easier for them to choose friendships online instead of real personal friendships.

It will create a bigger problem when it comes to learning social skills. It can become an obstacle in work and social life when they grow up.

It counteracts the development of good habits and necessary skills

Using the phone during early childhood will be an obstacle to the development of an important skill: concentration. This happens because mobile devices are designed to jump from one stimulus to another.

But concentration is the exact opposite. Concentration means that we concentrate on one thing at a time for a long time.

It is true that children seem to concentrate a lot on the screen, but it is a simple form of concentration that is controlled by constant change, so the phone does a lot of the work for them.

Fortunately, our brains are flexible and can learn to concentrate even when we are adults. But it is best if they learn this when they are young.

Boy among lego

Giving them a phone call then means that they do not learn to put up with being bored. It is very important that you learn to be bored.

But when you give a phone to children, they will always be entertained, so they never have to deal with this situation.

We have only focused on reasons not to give children a phone call in this article, but there are also positive or neutral reasons to think about.

The most important thing, however, is that we control what happens. So if we give them our phone, we should monitor this.

We should not use it as a way to take a break and lower the guard too much. It also means structuring the time they use it.

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