To Be Bold Is To Lose Your Footing (for A Little While)

To be bold is to lose your footing (for a little while)

Boldness has a certain positive tone. To be bold is to become part of the resistance created by extraordinary individuals. These individuals have the ability to create and to give leeway to progress. Not being bold, on the other hand, is like being in endless training before something that never gets its start.

Being bold means losing your footing for a while. For this, we need the courage to make the decision to get what we want. We must dare even if it involves great risks, fear and uncertainty. If, on the other hand, we do not make the decision, we risk losing ourselves because we do not find ourselves. The fear is always there to make things seem worse than they actually are. This changes our perspectives.

Everything we want to achieve is out there, because what is inside us is already ours. We just have to have the audacity to take ourselves outside our comfort zone. It is only by doing this that we can make sure that we do not miss any of life’s most exciting adventures. Everyone can do it, but not everyone has the courage to do it. In time, we become one with our thoughts.

Being bold is the key to happiness

In many cases, it’s just about daring to be bold

Fear, if you let it take over, turns you into a slave. It also does it in such an unnoticed way that when one day you realize it, it is already too late. The key to this lock is usually to arm ourselves with boldness, and even audacity in certain moments, as well as a belief in ourselves and our abilities. Fear can make us begin to doubt that we can reach new horizons, so we must be brave enough to lose sight of the beach.

We have all, at least at some point, stood by a road soul where we had to choose between being bold and risking everything or to instead wait and see others who pass us. We have felt the fear and hope of starting to work to achieve a certain goal, to get through difficulties, and to enjoy the whole process there.

All the progress we have made, we can thank the people who have been bold enough to be different. Think, for example, of the first steam-powered vehicle in the 18th century. No one, except the inventor Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot, believed in the idea he had been bold enough to dare to invent. Think of all the ideas that we thought were crazy until they came true. Imagine if you were the creator of one of these.

If we stay in the beginning of our lives, we hardly get a chance to get to know it. Robert Lee Frost, an American poet who is considered the founder of modern poetry, once said, “I can summarize everything I learned about life in three words: it is ongoing.”

A woman who lacks boldness

Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes

Fernandez Abascal, psychology teacher and motivation expert, believes that motivation is a good way to explain why we have certain behaviors but not others. Researchers agree that motivation is a concept that activates, controls and maintains a behavior.

Most geniuses, who are considered to be this because they are bold, do not necessarily consider themselves geniuses, nor do they act on the motivation that others should see them as geniuses. Rather, they act simply because they are motivated to act . Studies show that individuals who do not reach their goals are generally characterized by a lack of discipline and are easy to give up on their goals. It is true that in many cases difficulties make you more careful. But it is also true that in many cases it is a lack of faith that is the real difficulty.

Life is either a brave adventure or nothing at all. Security is mainly superstition, it does not exist in nature. Motivation, or lack thereof, gives us an insight into what it is that triggers our behaviors. It can give us explanations for why we act in certain ways. To be bold is therefore to lose one’s footing for a little while; that’s the price we have to pay. The new balance we achieve is more solid and, above all, more exciting. This means that we all, deep inside us, have a goal: to make it happen.

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