What Exactly Is Active Aging?

Active aging is a different way of looking at the last period of life. Within this framework, one can thus talk about losses and how to adapt to them, but also about experiences and their enormous value. And what do you do to leave a legacy that takes care of and protects those who continue?
What exactly is active aging?

Every person ages differently. In a context that includes the impact of culture, society, hereditary factors and upbringing, the World Health Organization highlights active aging. But what exactly is active aging?

Today we want to talk about what aging is about and how it has developed throughout history. We will also talk about an interesting post about this idea.

A woman who enjoys life

The story of how people age

Aging has been viewed in different ways throughout history:

  • Ancient Greece: In the State , Plato refers to old age as a positive stage. Aristotle, however, argued that this is a stage of weakness that requires compassion. In addition, he characterized older people as suspicious, capricious, selfish and cynical.
  • Cicero: He regarded old age as a time of understanding and reason. He also talked about the importance of preparing for old age.
  • Horace: This man believed that old age is not a golden age because adaptability decreases.
  • The Middle Ages: At this time, Thomas Aquinas argued that old age was synonymous with decadence.
  • The Renaissance: This era was marked by an escape from death. During this time, older people were also considered to be in a state of decay. Some believed that the elderly were experts in witchcraft and witchcraft.
  • 19th century: The first scientific studies led to a reversal of the notion of old age.
  • 20th century: After the Second World War, researchers were able to observe strong population growth. After defeating various infectious diseases, thanks to the development of medical routines and technology, life expectancy increased markedly.

Aging in modern times

At present, aging is a stage that people in general do not worry too much about, in addition to those who are caregivers and those who have reached this stage. There are many older people in the western world. This may be due to the fact that society encourages people to try to stay young longer, and that so many people try to keep aging at a distance with the help of various products, with training and with operations.

In addition, there is not much talk about death. In fact, it is as if this is an issue that we do not want to feel to such an extent that we simply do not talk about it. The same thing happens with aging. In some countries, the elderly population is excluded and lives mainly in nursing homes. Most are separated from the nuclear family. In other words, society has gone from valuing the experience of older people highly to underestimating it. Many people refuse to realize that they themselves will reach this age one day.

To the east, however, we find another situation. In countries such as Japan, older people are considered honorable because of their many abilities and wisdom. That is why people treat them with respect and admiration.

Active aging

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), active aging consists of optimizing well-being on three levels:

  • Physically. Consists of everything related to the physical body.
  • Social. Consists of the interactions that humans establish. For example, a negatively charged environment can lead to shorter life expectancy and poor quality of life.
  • Mentally. Consists of the affective and cognitive world.

The idea is to take them all into account. To what use? Yes, to increase everyone’s quality of life, productivity and healthy longevity in old age.

Active aging emphasizes health in an integrated way. It takes into account all the stages that the individual goes through because different preventations can help to improve them.

A couple having fun

Why is active aging so important?

This is an important issue because the idea is to give people a multifaceted well-being in the aging phase. For this, people must act in different sectors:

  • Health. From both a supportive and preventive perspective.
  • Economy. So that everyone who reaches old age remains financially stable.
  • Pedagogy. For the prevention of diseases and to keep the mind active.
  • Profession. Some people think they can no longer work because they are older.

However, there are several ways in which active aging can take place. All you need to do is create a system that you can adapt to. In fact, you can focus on whatever area you want because old age is a comprehensive concept.

In addition to these, actively advocating aging changes in transportation, housing and justice. Thus, you can create a more functional population that is integrated into society, value everything it can give you and try to meet its needs.

Active aging is everyone’s area of ​​responsibility. It is about collaborating in different sectors to improve the quality of life at this stage. You will one day grow old yourself, no matter how old you are right now. If everyone cooperates with each other, active aging can become a reality.

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