Asking For Help Is Brave

Asking for help is brave

Why is it so difficult to ask for help? For many people, it is really very difficult, and there are many misconceptions about what it really means to ask for help.

A common one is a belief that we must repay the service if we ask for help because we think the other person expects something in return.

You should ask yourself the following question: Do you expect anything in return if you help someone else? Try to give yourself time to answer this question as you may be fooling yourself.

What we expect from others is usually a reflection of ourselves. This means that we project our perceptions onto others around us.

We have made ourselves believe that we do not need anyone to move forward, that it is enough with ourselves and that it is a weakness to ask for help. This perception is based on arrogance, pride and our own ego.

Realize our limitations

Realizing our limitations can feel like we’ve stuck, that we do not have all the answers, that we do not know the real truth, and that we cannot cope on our own.

Teaching us to ask for help when needed shows humility and courage. We recognize that the other person possesses tools that are important to us in our endeavor.

Ask for help

When we ask for help, we show that we trust the other person, and we then break the prejudices we had before.

We strengthen ties and throw off the cloak of pride and arrogance, the one who says we can not trust anyone and that we are alone.

No one is worth more than anyone else

When we ask someone for help, we also show that no one is worth more than anyone else. We recognize that no one has a higher status than anyone else.

Asking someone for help does not mean that we are humiliated, nor that we are under anyone.

Recognizing that there are circumstances where we need someone to support us, to help us face difficulties; it makes us human, it brings us together as human beings.

Asking for help makes us more honest about the times when we ourselves have to help someone.

It has nothing to do with losing and it does not mean that you are inferior. It has to do with acknowledging one’s own limitations, with courage and humility. You prepare to face and get rid of prejudices that make you distrust others.


There are many people who have had bad experiences asking for help: you may not have found someone who can help you in the specific situation, or you may have received a type of help that was not what you expected.

Then the perspective can be too much about self-interest instead of caring about someone else. It is believed that if you ask for help, you will end up in debt to the other person.

These influences can make it difficult to ask for help. But we are ready to take the bold step needed. We crush our own fears and let go of prejudice and isolation.

Learn to ask for help; believe in the people who offer their help.

You’re not alone; There are many people who can help you if you need support. Give them the opportunity to show that they are with you.

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