When Intelligence And Intuition Work Together

Albert Einstein once said that intelligence and intuition go hand in hand. Psychologist Gerd Gigerenzer, director of the Max Planck Institute, has also pointed out that an intuitive person will always make a difference in society.
Then intelligence and intuition work together

People do their best when there is a harmony between intelligence and intuition. In fact, people solve problems more effectively as these two aspects work together. It is this combination that makes people make better decisions because they use both reasoning and emotion to achieve the right balance.

However, many people see concepts such as IQ and intuition as opposite dimensions. It is also common to see intelligence as the logical part while relating intuition to an unscientific and almost magical substrate.

Nothing can be further from the truth. Some well-known books such as Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking by Malcolm Gladwell and Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman encourage people to understand how these processes work. You have to start thinking better. To do this, it is not necessary to spend hours thinking about your decisions. In fact, it’s more about getting in touch with your inner voice.

Albert Einstein said that the intuitive mind is a gift, while the rational mind is a faithful servant. However, society attaches greater importance to services and often forgets what a gift intuition is.

It is therefore time to begin to understand that both spheres must always work in harmony. Only then can one take a step outside the world of intelligence and end up in the world of wisdom.

Woman looking out the window.

Intelligence and intuition – authentic knowledge within reach

Here is an example to better understand the relationship between intelligence and intuition. Think of a doctor who suddenly encounters a patient with unusual symptoms. The doctor makes the decision to apply his logic and try to objectively find out what disease the patient has.

However, the doctor also chooses to use his intuition that he has gained with the help of his experience. He knows that he can always react faster with his inner voice, but that it is always best to use both spheres of intelligence: logic and intuition.

Everyone should master both of these thought patterns. The rational mind and the intuitive mind help each other and you can only win when they work in harmony. The reason for this is that you limit your real potential as you only use one of them. He who uses only his intuition will not only fail once, but several times.

Those who only choose to silence their intuition simultaneously tear apart what the intelligence is based on. Keep reading to find out why.

Man thinking.

Intuition is not an oracle but a guide

People often see the term intuition as an oracle. As if a voice of a prophet had arisen in them to make them understand what they should do and not do. However, it does not work this way. Here, for example, is a study conducted by Dr. Jean Preatz at Elizabethtown College, where she points out something that is quite relevant.

Almost 90% of all nurses follow their intuition when making decisions in the workplace. They do this because they know they need to act fast. This instinct tells us humans where we should focus our attention and what is effective.

Intelligence and intuition consist of both courage and self-confidence

Gerd Gigerenzer, director of the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, is one of the most prominent psychologists in decision-making research. For him, intelligence and intuition help put a person in advantageous situations.

As he explains in his book Gut Feelings: The Intelligence of the Unconscious, intelligent people listen to their intuition and their emotions. If there is one thing he has learned during his life as a researcher, it is that emotions deserve some of our attention. You should not wave them off as soon as they occur.

It is brave to listen to them and something you do with confidence. When you encounter the voice of intuition, it always challenges you in some way. It whispers in certain directions and routes. All this information should be filtered by logic. Only then will you be able to understand what is right for you.

How do intelligence and intuition work?

Conclusions about intelligence and intuition

As Albert Einstein said, modern society values ​​intelligence above all else. Society sees logic and analysis as the foremost thing we have. Standardized tests have also been developed to find out what IQ a person has.

However, there is one thing that most people use every day: intuition. This quality helps people to make quick decisions in order to respond to everyday challenges. If you want to learn how to use it, try to listen to it in harmony with your intelligence. This will make you make better decisions!

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