The 7 Best Books On Self-help And Self-improvement

The 7 best books on self-help and self-improvement

When we want to work on our personal development, we find the best tools within ourselves.

But because it makes it easier when you use all the resources you have access to, we have compiled a list of the 7 best books on self-help and self-improvement, to make it easier for you.

What are the best and most recommended books on self-help and self-improvement?

1. Your Boundless Strength by  Anthony Robbins.   

For those of us who dream of a better life, Your Boundless Strength shows how we can achieve the fantastic quality of life we ​​want and deserve. Anthony Robbins  shows how with the power of the mind we can do, have, accomplish and create what we want in our lives.

This revolutionary book, with over 1 million copies sold, shows us how step by step we can achieve emotional freedom and good self-confidence.

2. The Intelligence  of Emotion by  Daniel Goleman.

In his book Emotional Intelligence , Daniel Goleman argues that the development of emotional intelligence is one of the most important things we can focus on in order to be successful in both our private and professional lives.

He presents groundbreaking information on this type of intelligence,  rejecting conventional ideas about the results of IQ tests. The book has been translated into more than 40 languages ​​and has sold about 5 million copies worldwide.


3. Love Yourself   by Wayne W. Dyer.  

Wayne W. Dyer tells us how to avoid and escape from negative thoughts and thus take control of your life.

The book is based on the theory that everyone has a certain amount of debilitating emotions, such as guilt and anxiety.

In this book , Dyer helps us identify the thoughts that prevent us from moving forward, and helps us see that these emotions are not useful in our daily lives, but instead only lead us to depression.

This book broke world records by selling over 35 million copies worldwide.

4. Good luck! by Álex Rovira.  

Álex Rovira shares a magical tale. It is a metaphor through which he discusses effort, perseverance and our ability to never give up.  The book gives us a fantastic lesson about life in our everyday lives.

5.  Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. 

Kiyosaki’s book addresses how to achieve financial freedom and has become one of the most prominent books for executives and people active in financial coaching. This book teaches us how to change our perspective on money and how to implement a rock in our lives.

6. Stories to Think About by Jorge Bucay. 

Jorge Bucay shares some stories that serve as metaphors for everyday situations and our daily routines.

Here is a video with an interview showing Bucay’s narrative style found in the book:

7. Life must have a meaning by  Viktor Frankl.

This is one of the foremost books in self-help because it is based on real experiences that the author has had. Viktor Frankl  himself has survived three years in a Nazi concentration camp and lived through the heartache of losing his entire family.

In the book, Frankl tells how,  despite difficulties and unfavorable circumstances, it is possible to move forward if we find meaning in our lives.

This book is a must read in many of the world’s schools and colleges.

If you have had the opportunity to read any of the books on this list, feel free to share your opinions about reading and, even better,  what you learned  from it!

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