Self-perception And Depression – What Is The Connection?

Pondering, negative inner dialogue and feelings of emptiness and incompetence can undermine your self-esteem and are a perfect breeding ground for depression.
Self-perception and depression - what is the connection?

Self-esteem and depression are closely linked. If you suffer from depression or other psychological problems, the image you have of yourself becomes fragmented, which can cause you to have poor self-esteem.

You are constantly striving to form an idea of ​​who you are, and this constant anxiety and negative inner dialogue makes your self-image weaken even more.

Few clinical conditions are as complex as depression. No two people experience depression in the same way. Clearly, this is a multifaceted, destructive condition that has many different causes.

However, there are common factors that are obvious in most clinical cases and that allow one to recognize a depression.

Depression is a familiar enemy that causes your thoughts and your mental behavior to oppose each other.

A new study published just a few months ago shows that a person’s self-perception plays a crucial role in this type of psychological disorder.

In fact, the way you look at yourself, talk to yourself, and treat yourself can affect the structure of your brain.

For example, magnetic resonance imaging has shown that people with low self-esteem actually have less gray matter in different parts of the brain.

And not only that; If you do not succeed in strengthening your self-esteem and self-perception, your depression may become more resistant and last for several years. Let’s take a closer look at the subject.

Sunset in a woman's silhouette

Self-perception and depression : creating your own prison of suffering

When a person is depressed, she does not live in the same reality as the people around her.

The reason for this is depression above all is an isolating force. It shields the victims from the environment and drives them more and more inwards.

They are eventually caught up in their rushing thoughts, making them exhausted and filled with pain.

This is the first thing you should think about. When you are depressed, certain parts of your brain that are linked to self-awareness, reflection and self-esteem are overstimulated.

Self-perception and depression are closely linked to each other depending on the thought patterns that attack your identity.

Your own self-criticism makes you weaker. You force yourself to focus on the past: mistakes you have made, grief and losses, suffering, etc.

Stress is the gateway to depression and negative self-communication

The University of Calgary in Canada recently published a study conducted by Dr. Dencel Kopala. His research highlighted how negative self-communication contributes to the development of depression.

Likewise , it is important to remember that your self-perception often breaks down more than usual during periods of high stress.

If you do not deal with these tensions and problems, you will get used to nurturing a negative thought pattern. In this way, it becomes increasingly difficult for you to have an optimistic, hopeful and positive attitude towards yourself.

Before you notice it, your self-esteem will reach the absolute bottom. What is perhaps particularly interesting in these situations is that they lead to physical changes in certain parts of the brain.

Man with his head in a cloud

Low self-esteem and the gray matter of the brain

A study conducted in 2014 by Dr. Johannes Klakl at the University of Salzburg led to some fascinating conclusions about the brain and self-esteem.

The study showed that people with low self-esteem actually have less gray matter. Consequently, they are also at greater risk of developing depression.

In other words, these people had a hard time managing their emotions. Furthermore, they had problems with planning and making creative and powerful decisions in order to overcome their depression and suffering.

Self-perception and depression: the importance of self-communication

Self-perception and depression can incite each other so much that low self-esteem in combination with a stressful situation can directly give rise to a depressive disorder.

This can put you in a vicious circle, as depression itself often erodes your already fragmented self-perception.

At the same time, most therapists agree that your way of talking to yourself is the key to your recovery.

In other words , the way you speak, describe and perceive yourself will result in you either strengthening or weakening your psychological health.

You deserve to think positively about yourself and feel that you are good as you are. Therefore, it is important that you pay attention to your self-communication, so that you can strengthen your self-esteem and prevent depression.

A healthy (and exciting) connection to your surroundings

Free yourself from your thoughts and connect to what is here and now. The idea is to break the vicious circle of negative thought patterns. One way to do this is to reconnect with what is around you.

Try to find new experiences and experiences that stimulate your curiosity and your enthusiasm. Offer your brain something other than anxiety and negativity.

Self-perception and depression are closely linked

A compassionate inner dialogue

Self-perception and depression are related, because your self-communication can weaken your self-esteem. This can open a dark hole of depression. Therefore, you must learn to speak to yourself in a respectful way.

Your inner dialogue should always be friendly, compassionate and supportive.

If you do not treat yourself as you deserve to be treated, no one else will. Loving yourself and having a healthy self-esteem is the best defense against most mood disorders.

Work on this and do not hesitate to seek help if you need it.

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