4 Characters That Reveal An Insecure Person

4 characters that reveal an insecure person

Have you ever met someone who made you feel inferior, even as a total doubter, while looking at the person as the best someone can hope to be in life? You certainly have. The most interesting thing is that behind his confident and grandiose attitude often hides an insecure person.

It is quite common for insecure people to hide their clouds of anxiety and fears behind an attitude of false security, which tends to involve making others feel inferior. This is not a lack of humility, but rather what Alfred Adler called an inferiority complex. It is no coincidence that we often find an insecure person behind the mask of an inferiority complex.

According to Adler , people who feel insecure try to compensate for this feeling through what he calls a struggle for superiority. The only way these people can confront the uncertainty of their abilities and become happy with themselves is to make others unhappy. According to Adler, this struggle for superiority is at the heart of their neurosis.

Today, it is believed that this struggle for superiority is a characteristic of the narcissistic personality disorder. This involves a deviation from the normal development of one’s personality, which results in a person constantly trying to raise his self-esteem.

Girl in the mirror

In narcissism, we find two different types of patterns: the grandiose and the vulnerable. The grandiose narcissist is characterized by his, dominance and search for attention. The vulnerable narcissist, on the other hand, is very sensitive to criticism and frustration, so much so that criticism can become an obsession in his mind. Furthermore, the person’s social relations deteriorate due to his pretension and constant need for admiration.

In both cases, it is very likely that narcissism and lack of self-esteem are the real culprits in the drama when the person makes you feel inferior. Although narcissism does not always reach pathological levels, it is actually relatively common.

Some researchers believe that narcissism can be better characterized by concepts such as open narcissism and hidden narcissism, instead of grandiose narcissism and vulnerable narcissism. Treatment would be based on the type of person.

Psychologist James Brookes, from the University of Derby in the UK, decided to take a look at how people with a strong narcissistic tendency saw themselves when it came to self-esteem, their own effectiveness and confidence in their ability to be successful. With a selection of college students , Brookes analyzed the relationship between open and hidden narcissism, self-esteem, and even effectiveness.

The study provided some insight that helps us define a narcissistic personality and that can give us an idea of ​​how we can interpret the actions of narcissists as evidence of their insecurities.

Do you often question your own worth when you are with a certain person? Does this person always talk about his strengths? If you are a person who generally does not feel insecure but who begins to doubt or feel insecure when you are close to certain people, it is very likely that these people project their insecurities on you.

Inferiority complex

It is not always necessary for an insecure person to reinforce himself through behaviors that push another person towards feeling insecure. It is often enough for insecure people to brag about their excellent lifestyle, their fantastic educations or how incredible their families are. This is their way of convincing themselves of what value they have.

Pointing out that you are humble is a hidden way to emphasize yourself and make others feel submissive. Boasting about humility reveals insecure people.

People with a large inferiority complex feel that they do not have enough to be happy. Given that they feel insecure in the present, they focus on very high goals. They are obsessed with prestige in order to be recognized in the eyes of others. In this way, they show their superiority through allegedly superior goals, which will reinforce their insecurity when they do not reach them.

Being able to detect insecurity in people around you can help you eliminate all doubts about your self-image and your own skills. In this way, you will be able to counteract the doubts that insecure people encourage you to become more satisfied with themselves.

Not giving in to these doubts promotes feelings of fulfillment, both in yourself and the insecure people around you. The inferiority complex of these people will not be cured by you feeling insecure; it only provides a temporary interruption in the condition. However, it can also cause a deep wound in you that is difficult to heal.

Do not let others step on you. It’s enough not to take what these people say to you seriously. Do not assume a defensive position of self-criticism. Instead, show compassion to these people, who already have enough problems.

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