5 Motivational Tips To Start Exercising Regularly

5 motivational tips to start exercising regularly

Starting to train is really difficult. The inertia during the first day or weeks can mean that you never get into the habit. It ends up scrapping the idea soon.

Because of this, we have decided to share some ways to  start exercising  to gain stronger willpower and  enjoy the benefits that regular exercise provides.

The concept of “training” is usually not very well defined. Some different ways to exercise are: football, dancing, running, walking, yoga, gymnastics, swimming, etc. Because of this  , you need to determine what exercise is for you if you want to make it a habit.

It should be something that you like, can easily include in your routine and gives you the benefits you are looking for.

Running woman

So if one of your main goals is to increase your muscle mass, you can join a gym to train with weights. If you want to get slimmer, you can start jogging regularly. If you want to socialize and meet new people, you can choose a team sport.

In addition  , a clear definition of what training is for you will help you achieve a clear goal. So you should not think that you are going on a jogging trip; instead, aim to jog every morning in the park for 20 minutes. In this way, you get a clear and visible goal that helps you focus on the activity better and devote yourself to it more often.

If you are not used to exercising, intense exercises can wear you out and make you hate this activity. In other words  , it is best to start with simple exercises that do not require much. They can help you make it a habit without making you feel lazy.

Slowly but surely, you increase the intensity of the exercise as your body gets used to it.

This step is very important so as not to forget to exercise when you should. Reminders help you to be aware of when you need to exercise so that you do not skip it subconsciously. The reminder should be an activity that you are already used to doing. This activity should be so internalized that you do not forget it.

As an example, you can exercise  just before you brush your teeth, after drinking your morning coffee or after making the bed. Once you have chosen your reminder, you can go back to tip # 1: choosing a type of exercise that you do at a specific time and place.

A great way to motivate yourself to start exercising is to  find a reward that you can enjoy afterwards. Then you will fight laziness and feel good when you are done with the activity. You will also feel good thanks to the mental well-being that the training provides.

But it is important that this reward is healthy. You can choose a relaxing bath, use a finer soap, drink tea or spend some time listening to music. Choosing rewards like cigarettes or chocolate is instead counterproductive.

Music as a reward

To make it easier to see the results of your training and thus get motivation to continue, you can use methods such as regular photos. You can also measure, for example, the biceps, abdomen or thighs.

Seeing yourself lose weight and gain muscle will help you become more aware of the positive results from your workouts. This will motivate you to continue. To start with this measurement, you can also use mobile apps that allow you to keep track of training routines and activity.

As you can see, it is not easy to start exercising because you have to harden it and make it a habit. But it comes with many benefits. Following a healthy lifestyle gives you energy and, above all, a better emotional state.

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