People Who Have Too Much Are Often Unhappy

People who have too much are often unhappy

In our modern world, many people are unhappy because they think they do not have enough things. Therefore, they spend a large part of their lives striving for more as they believe that it is something that will make them happy. Because this reasoning is false, they will never achieve enough to be happy. In fact, many people who have too often are unhappy.

Having too much can often be a burden. This leads to difficulties when it comes to achieving an authentic quality of life. This applies to everything: too much food, drinks, gadgets, beauty, success and many other things.

The desire to have more and more of something does not come from not having enough. Millionaires do not need more money, but that does not mean they do not want more money. What happens is that the real desire is masked, and that is why it can never be saturated.


Those who have too much

There is a truth that at first glance may seem contradictory: the lack of material things creates unhappiness, but having them is not the beginning of happiness. People need a material foundation to establish themselves, to be able to grow and develop. If we do not have this, the situation can affect our independence.

Poverty means that we do not have good access to education, health and cultural goods. This prevents us from enjoying society. It makes us banished to a life of misfortune, where everything is about our survival.

At the other end are those who have too much. These should theoretically be happier because they have everything and a little more. They have access to better opportunities and experiences in life. But many of them are still unhappy…


People who have too much tend to be problematic and demanding. They are dominated by whims. It is selfish, superficial and cynical. This can not be applied to 100% of these people, but it is very common.

Is more less or is less more?

When it comes to personal development, money is just an instrument. That’s not the most important thing in life. As we have discussed before, every human being should have the basic conditions for development. But beyond that, it is the ability to overcome difficulties that determines whether we succeed or fail.

It is a given that there are many difficulties for those living in poverty. Difficulties can be found every day of life. There is always something missing. You always have to deal with situations and solve problems. Life is a challenge from an early age.


For those with success, this is not difficult. They are not exposed to extreme situations and can easily become blunted. Many people with money protect themselves and their children by living moderately, but they still live safely unlike the people who have nothing.

The end result, in most cases, is that those who have less learn to tolerate more. They need to deal with frustration and be grateful for what they can find. Those who have too much do not. It is true that they will suffer less in many areas. But they will often be less resilient.

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