Are Other People At Ease? Start Looking After Yourself!

Are other people at ease?  Start looking after yourself!

Has it become more important for you to be second to the team than to be yourself? Have you become something that you are not just for others to like you? When you sacrifice that is, you lose yourself until you forget who you really are. You no longer know what you like or what you want. You have given the keys to your life to other people.

When you sacrifice who you really are and become what others want you to be, you pay a high price for others to like you, and that is also a false acceptance. In fact, it is not you who they like, but a fake version of you. You just show them a mirage.

You have not yet realized that life is not about seeing who can sacrifice the most so that others will accept this person. It’s about discovering yourself and then offering the best you have. If you decide to be what others want you to be, you will be vulnerable to the manipulation of others.

When you sacrifice what you are, you begin to suffer

When you sacrifice who you really are, suffering will become a constant companion in your life. Your eyes will be fixed on the people around you and you will be filled with anxiety and guilt. You will be constantly on the alert, especially if you are met with criticism.

This situation will not make you happy but it will make you spend all nights crying. Anxiety and stress will always be present. “You must do…” “You must be…” are the thoughts that will fill your mind. You do not know where these demands came from or why you feel so annoyed.

It seems that your opinion does not matter. In fact, it does not even exist anymore! The only thing that counts and means something is what others say. You also do not question how you behave towards them. You give everything! But have you ever wondered why you do not feel well? Why do you feel that you do not fit in when you have done everything that you have been asked to do?

Man standing by the sea.

To be second to none – find a balance

Ever since you were little, you have been told that you should be your neighbor’s team. You help when others need it, you offer your support and you understand that the others are not perfect.

You are very flexible with others and sometimes you forgive big mistakes. But it seems that you do not treat yourself in the same way. You are very demanding of yourself, you want everything to be perfect and you think that the others will not accept you if you do not do everything right.

You think that others will hate you and reject you if you say ‘no’, and that as a result you will lose friends. But what would have happened if one of your friends had said “no”? You had been understanding with this right? So why not let yourself be just who you are, and say what you think and what you want? Why not let yourself be honest instead of being kind to others all the time?

We often have a blurred concept of how we should be. Therefore, we put our own needs aside, as we really should be the main protagonists in our lives. We have lost focus, we are going the wrong way and we are paying a high price for this.

We do not look after ourselves but we worry about what others think, we pretend, we lie. All for a few smiles and a few compliments. What are we doing?

It’s time to dump her and move on

When you sacrifice who you really are to be second to none, your self-esteem will suffer sooner or later. You depend on others to be happy, and even when you do, it does not work.

What would have happened if that friend had stopped talking to you? What would have happened if your partner had left you? What if your boss fired you tomorrow? You would have had to deal with this situation yourself. You had to find that person you used to be, your real self that you sacrificed for a handful of smiles that others offered you.

There are times in life when you have no choice but to take up the broken parts. Parts that have broken because you did not pay attention to yourself. This is the only way to strengthen your self-esteem.

Butterfly sitting on hand.

It is not selfish to take care of and help yourself when you are sad. It is perfectly permissible not to meet anyone and to want to be by oneself. We are afraid of what others will say, but we are not afraid of losing ourselves or forgetting to be happy for ourselves – which is the most important thing.

The time you spend being second to none will not help you. It makes you vulnerable and toxic people can use this to manipulate you. Forget about always looking after others, and instead spend time with yourself.

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