Start A Relationship With A Real Conversation

Start a relationship with a real conversation

When we are going to start a relationship, we all too often take it far too quickly when it comes to the other person and ourselves, and fall for various illusions. These are the early stages of the relationship, and we want to put the best foot first in all aspects.

The illusion makes us put more effort into fixing ourselves; we want the other person to like us! We are friendlier and show our softer side… When we fall in love we are filled with happiness, and it is even difficult for us to get angry.

The flirtation phase, the courtship, the love and finally the choice of a partner shocks us a little. When we fall in love, both we are and we are not ourselves.

If we like the person, we must hide our shortcomings, our differences… and we all do it both consciously and subconsciously. We act as the “perfect” partner for our partner.

But over time, when this stage has passed, we often hear things like: “But you were not like that! You never said you did not like…! But when we met, you said…! ”

Coffee cups with faces

So why do not we take and change things a little? We can still flirt, but we can also ask questions that affect our future relationship.

Everything can be part of the conversation, even in the early stages of love. It all depends on the sensitivity and intelligence with which we do it.

We want to know more about this person who attracts us so much, and that person also wants to know who we are.

Why can we not have our heads among the clouds, butterflies in our stomachs and at the same time show ourselves who we are and point out what we see in our present and our future as a couple?

We leave you with a questionnaire (with love!) So that you can in one way or another ask some questions that make things easier for you when you get to know the person who is starting to become so special to you, and with whom you want start a long term relationship.

There are people who can not imagine starting a relationship that does not result in marriage. For others, however, marriage is irrelevant, and even evokes a form of rejection.

What if your partner does not want to get married while it is the biggest hope of your life? Or vice versa?

Knowing what the other person thinks about marriage can be important for your future.

Having children or not is a vital decision in our lives. No one should sacrifice this important decision for a partner.

In fact, many relationships and marriages end because of this issue. So before things get out of hand, why not start a relationship by raising this issue?

Parent and child

Religion unites or does the exact opposite. Religion marks out a pattern of behavior and conduct in people’s lives. Can you be with a person whose faith is different from your own? To be that, you must ask what his faith is.

There are people who attach the utmost importance to money. They can not be happy if they do not have material things. But there are others who prefer to work less and have more free time, for example.

Money is an issue that certainly determines a person’s lifestyle. Is your lifestyle the same as your intended partner? Think about it.

Every person is different. There are people who are adventurous, quiet, shy, outgoing… We may not like to get up off the couch while our partner wants to go out and kayak…

Do you think both of you would be compatible in a relationship? You simply have to find out.

Love is a difficult question, but like everything else in life, “conversations help people understand.”

You of all people are the ones who must know what is and is not vital for you to be able to start a relationship with someone. Talk to your partner and decide for yourself.

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