To Educate Is To Give Alternatives And Inform

To educate is to provide alternatives and inform

One of the most beautiful, necessary and undoubtedly most important tasks for our society is to educate. We are all directly or indirectly involved in the education of future generations. But have you ever wondered what the real purpose of education is?

The current education system leaves a lot to be desired, at least when it comes to values ​​and personal development. It is instilled in us that we must follow rules that lead to competition orientation and conformity in a way that interferes with our creativity.

When it comes to what teaching and educating mean, it is clear that there is still much to learn. What is the significance behind education? Why do we prepare only to pass exams? Are teachers willing to teach students how to learn or to get students to memorize and repeat information without reflecting on it?

Regardless of whether it is as parents or teachers, we have a great responsibility to educate in a way that improves our children’s skills and that takes into account their individuality, learning rhythm, temperament, peculiarities and difficulties.

To educate for individual freedom is to promote a process of self-awareness. The mind rises above obstacles it has created based on the need for security. This is done by helping them understand the causes of fear in this way, so that they do not become afraid as adults.

Education is valuable when it offers the chance to learn to live: to learn to choose between opportunities and alternatives that lie ahead, to learn to question and filter the information we receive, and to learn to let go of the desire for rewards, which generates fear and conformity.

Father and son

To find the meaning of education, it is necessary to get rid of the education model that hinders the development of critical and independent thinking. Education is logical when it motivates and encourages reasoning and questioning of perceived ideas.

The role of educators is to strengthen the self-esteem of young people so that they can become confident and learn to handle responsibility. On the academic side, the ability to reason must be strengthened: to help them see problems in their entirety in order to be able to use their own solutions and personal assessments.

All children have diverse talents and potentials, which may be linked to intelligence in certain areas. Taking into account the many intelligences explained by the psychologist Howard Gardner gives us the opportunity to understand that there are no people who are smarter than others, but only people with different types of intelligence.

Unfortunately, the current education system promotes and enhances specific intelligences, while dismissing or forgetting others. This punishes not only the children, but also society, who are deprived of the amazing talents that are hidden because no one stops to give them attention.

When it comes to training creativity, Ken Robinson says that “trainers waste it recklessly” and run away from it because appreciating and encouraging it would result in higher immediate costs. Therefore, innovation is limited to repetition by promoting the fear of making mistakes or making mistakes.

-Ken Robinson-

Children with balloons

Proper education is necessary to stay away from political expediency, economic interests and manipulation in order to tame people and turn them into robots; unmotivated and meaningless in their own development and rooted in conformity.

To educate with reason, we must help young people find their calling, their motivation, and their interests. The goal is to accompany them, promoting a process of self-discovery and discovery that respects and identifies their differences – what makes them unique when strengthened. Furthermore, it is not just about developing their potential; it is also to help build a new social order by training them so that they can create new lifestyles.

Offering an education that contributes to freedom is a responsibility for both parents and teachers. It is in our hands. We are responsible for creating a new society that is more tolerant, respectful and dedicated. A society that not only takes into account reasonableness, but also the affective and emotional aspects; a holistic and comprehensive view of the individual.

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