The Japanese 5S Method Of Harmony In Life

The Japanese 5S method of harmony in life

The Japanese 5S method consists of five basic principles that can improve our quality of life. These principles are based on two cornerstones: order and cleanliness. This Japanese technology can be applied to our work or private life. Many companies choose to implement this method to increase productivity and improve their processes.

Toyota implemented the 5S method in 1960 to ensure a more organized, hygienic and efficient workplace. The company sought to increase its productivity with the Kaizen method.

Since then, the 5S method has been used in most organizations thanks to its wide spread. In addition, it can be applied in the educational system because it encourages hygienic habits from an early age. Its psychopedagogical basis is based on promoting a cultural change in the cleaning habits that educational institutions face.

This Japanese method consists of 5 fundamental principles that in Japanese begin with the letter S.  Since it does not require any preparation, anyone can apply the methodology in their daily lives. However, it is important for people to be rigorous to get the best results.

5S the method of order and order

It is best to practice this in an orderly and systematic manner. In fact, perseverance is one of the key factors in this method. Let’s take a closer look at the principles:

Seiri is a process based on putting aside what is not necessary. The person makes an analytical effort to identify what is really necessary and separates it from things that only take up space. After this classification, the person should throw away everything that is not used.

Another advantage of classifying is that you are allowed to identify elements you need but do not have. It is good to establish criteria for this classification process. You can ask yourself when you last used the item in question. If a year has passed, it’s time to get rid of it.

In this way, this classification prepares the working material for the next step, which is to choose the best location for each object.

This is the second phase, and o rganisering are its main features. It is based on placing objects where they are needed and identifying which ones are most important, and placing them in more easily accessible places. This will allow you to narrow down and mark certain areas. It’s about organizing your entire workspace so you do not have to spend time and energy looking for something specific.

At this stage, the person performs the cleaning process itself. The idea is to remove all existing dirt to achieve a spotless work environment. The most important thing here is to identify what makes the area dirty and remove it.

This is based on  detecting deviations and resolving them to avoid creating a chain reaction. This phase helps people remember just how important it is to keep places clean to avoid confusion.

Last but not least, you need to establish a doctrine so that you can continue to improve day after day through discipline. It is important to always keep the 5S method in mind while working. It will definitely help you remember all the important factors: order, hygiene and efficiency.

Applying the 5S method in the workplace is a great way to take control of your space and make the most of your time. However, it is important to keep in mind that you can also apply this methodology in your personal life. Do not be afraid to use classification, organization and cleaning methods. They can facilitate your path to well-being.

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