How Your Personal Characteristics Affect Your Life

How your personal traits affect your life

All of us know, or at least can imagine, that our personality influences how we deal with adversity, treat others, and celebrate our successes. Few know, however, that their personality is a series of unchanging or permanent traits. They define each of us. It is true that there is an important genetic burden in our personality. However, this does not mean that we can shape our personal characteristics in many ways.

Each of our personal characteristics makes us unique and special. But these traits can lead to setbacks. This when it comes to trying to get a new job, keep a relationship alive or make friends… then they are rather a challenge. We must try to change our personal characteristics so that they work to our advantage. 

personal characteristics

One of the best tools to be able to change our personality is our self-awareness. By being aware of our limitations and strengths. Then it is easier to handle good results in our personal and professional lives. In this way, we can both work more thoroughly on the abilities we have difficulties with.

In any case, the turning point comes when you reach the conclusion when you conclude that  “people never change”. Yes and no. We all have inherently inherent tendencies when it comes to coping on a daily level. A child who is either shy or outgoing will probably become an adult who is shy or outgoing. Take a look at this interesting documentary. It explains the connection between genetics and our personality.

Either way, culture, experience and your surroundings will shape your temperament. They will do so by building and recreating what we call character . These two aspects are what make up our personality.

Therefore, the saying  “people never change” is  partly true. It is true in this way that  each of us is more comfortable with a certain type of disposition and uncomfortable with others. This is due to our personality. However, the ability to optimally adapt to each of these situations without ceasing to be yourself can be shaped.

How? It is not too easy but also not too difficult for all of us to acquire this “chameleon extract”. This is why it is easier for some to dive into new things and enjoy them. For others, the same task may become an odyssey. Herein lies the importance of self-knowledge. It will tell you how to get the most out of your abilities. Without suffering from exceeding  your limits.

A simple exercise you can perform to achieve this self-awareness is to answer the following questions. These are general terms, but are good for getting a guideline. What do you like? What is good for you? What you like and what’s good for you is no problem. The hardships come from things you do not like or represent difficulties but which are still good for you. This can mean that you miss the chance to do something beneficial.

On the other hand, there are activities or  challenges that you like or that are easier and more accessible to you but that are not good for you if they become a habit. These activities are usually called “loads”  and can have a positive side when they are satisfied from time to time. When this load, for example a harmful romantic relationship, is something we cling to regardless of the damage it entails, that’s when we have a problem.

The key to our personal traits is self-awareness

Now we have a starting point. How can you get closer to the things that are good for you and stay away from the things that are harmful to you? At this point  , you need to identify why it is difficult for you to approach certain activities, people, and even objects that are beneficial to you. Shyness? Lack of communication skills? Pride? And what is it that keeps you from getting rid of things that hurt you? Fear? Uncertainty? Conformism?

After taking a few steps towards a newer and safer you. A you who is supported by self-awareness and an enhanced self-esteem, you are ready to take the world by the horns.

Be more aware of your personal characteristics. Know your strengths and limitations. If you are like a chameleon, you are much harder to drive over.

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