5 Tips For Courtship In The 21st Century

5 tips for courtship in the 21st century

“Courtship” is an outdated term, but mastering the art of flirting, chasing a romantic interest and connecting is important to find a partner, either for a relaxed relationship or to build a future together. It may seem ridiculous, but possessing certain qualities that allow us to get to know each other intimately and form bonds with another person can actually make us a true “Don Juan”. The problem is that we often miss opportunities or that we can not take the necessary steps to get to know someone.

It seems that we are always sitting and waiting for the other person to make his move. Maybe not even the first move; it may be that the boyfriend or girlfriend should suggest a higher commitment or cohabitation. Sometimes it ends up that potential conditions fade after we have waited too long, which leaves us alone.

Couple on the beach

This is more common among women, most likely due to their education and the hyper-romantic as well as chauvinistic ideas that society has instilled in us throughout our lives.

In the past, and even now, it was not welcome for a woman to take the first step. It was the man who was responsible for courting and winning the woman. If a woman courted a man, she was described in a number of colorful ways, none of which were positive.

In these times, women do not have this social pressure, although some gaps still remain.

Regardless of gender , we must, from a psychological point of view, follow some important steps if we want to hunt someone we like.

Many people cannot expose themselves to forming bonds with someone else for fear of a negative reaction. It hurts to be rejected. It is like a blow to the ego that makes us feel empty.

We must realize and be aware that rejection is completely normal, because it is impossible to please everyone and be liked by everyone.

Even though we think we look good or are nice people, beauty is so subjective that one person may consider us gorgeous, while another does not find us attractive at all. In some cases, it may even be the way we behave that attracts or rejects people.

So prepare yourself for rejection, for we will all inevitably experience it. But relax – rejection has never killed anyone!

This point goes hand in hand with the former. If you trust yourself, you will accept the rejections more easily. You will also enjoy more successful relationships.

Being confident in yourself means that you unconditionally accept and love yourself, regardless of whether another person does it or not.

However, it is important to know that the physical aspects, contrary to what we believe, are not very important when it comes to creating bonds during your courtship. A person who is physically mediocre but confident can attract many more people than a beautiful person who is insecure.

We always project what we think of ourselves onto others. If you value, love and care for yourself as you are, then others will do the same.

Yes, you read that right. Imagine that you are going to sell “something” to “someone” and that some will buy the product, but others will not.

Just like for a door seller, there are some who are interested and others who do not even open the door. This is normal and is a matter of statistics. There is always a sales frequency.

In general , it is important not to miss the opportunities that are given. In other words, we have to ring the doorbell at every suitable house we come across. We must accept that there is a possibility that the door will open, but also that it may not.

Body language is very important and always communicates more than we can say in words.

Laughing couple

Studies have shown that people who smile more are much more attractive and project more charisma. This is also true for people who are comfortable with physical proximity, who touch the other person’s back or lean against his shoulder. For these types of people, it is natural to form bands.

On the other hand, it is important to be a little mischievous with the other person, but always with moderation.

A phrase that is said at the right moment or a smile and a wink in the eye tells the other person that you find him attractive and interested.

In this age, almost everyone is connected via social media on the internet, and it is much easier to say something through writing than face to face. This is an advantage, and we can use it to help us start talking to and creating a bond with a person.

Once we have established contact, we should find a common interest that we can use as a springboard and create an opportunity for a date. By starting our courtship with messages, we can find an “excuse” to invite the person, which can be a significant step.

Finally , the most important thing is to be true to who we are, to trust ourselves and to feel confident. Inevitably, we will form bonds with someone, and over time, or at once, everything will fall into place.

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