Happiness Is A State, Not A Command

Happiness is a state, not a commandment

Being optimistic is an extremely valuable quality that helps us cope with life’s challenges. But being positive is not enough. Extreme optimism or extreme pessimism are equally undesirable. And it seems that the dictatorship of euphoria in this modern society shames those who do not embrace it. Here we want to show you that happiness is a state and not a commandment.

In this article, we will try to understand how to distinguish between the dictatorship of happiness and the democratic coexistence of different emotions, including happiness.

Happiness is a product that is pushed by advertising. It tells about everything we have to buy, everything we have to do, all the self-help books we have to read to be happy. Only beautiful, healthy and happy people are in magazines and are successful.

These beautiful, happy and eternally smiling people make us dissatisfied with ourselves. They make us want to buy, do or say the same thing as them to have more happiness in our lives.

Lonely bench

What is the right balance? To only buy what we need and that fits with our character and finances. It’s having fun despite the many messages that we do not have enough. Many of these unhealthy messages about “beauty” have led to diseases such as anorexia and bulimia. Let us not let this happen with the model of happiness. Let us live our lives naturally.

Happiness is a state, a flow, a moment that can give us life at any time and in any case. To believe that happy moments can only take place under perfect circumstances is to deny the grandeur of a rainy day, which is gray and somewhat uncomfortable, but also hypnotic.

You do not know when a happy moment will occur or when an unwanted situation will turn into a happy moment. One thing that is certain is that an open attitude will help you not to lose anything positive.

Today we diagnose our emotions more than ever. If they are sad, they are considered intolerable and we want to remove them as far as possible from our existence. If they are happy, we want to encourage and extend them to the brink of exhaustion, which makes us ignore the fundamental characteristics of emotion: it is usually intense and temporary.

We want our senses to store the positive and drive out the negative. But how will you later be able to distinguish between what is satisfactory and what is not? What would have happened to our survival if we did not remember the negative memories? How would we have evolved as a species and now as humans?

We must analyze ourselves as complex people, capable of accommodating different emotions. Letting all emotions come to us and letting ourselves embrace them is the only way to truly live.

Different moods

There is no struggle or dream that does not involve devotion and sacrifice. Although our dreams sometimes make us excited and motivated, we see them only as a simple part of our path.

But we actually have to leave certain things that matter to us behind us to achieve a higher goal. So it is only logical to want to pass the test and party in the evening. That kind of sacrifice does not overwhelm us. But giving up time with the people we love produces fear and discomfort.

We can decide to always be happy and therefore give up goals we know in advance will be difficult. But this obsessive pursuit of happiness, to always feel good, is not mental health. A person also needs stress, disappointments and uncertainty in their life.

Feeling good is a cultural norm that can lead to us losing our minds. A person who has hope and fights for an ideal will be able to handle much more discomfort than one who has assumed that happiness is a vital condition. An existence that may have already lost the essence and meaning behind always wanting to live in happiness.

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