5 Natural Methods That Counteract Depression

5 natural methods that counteract depression

Depression is a multifactorial condition. This means that its symptoms and impact on the life of the individual suffering from it are influenced by many factors. To find methods that counteract depression, it is therefore best to attack the problem from different sides…

Much emphasis has recently been placed on the chemical changes that occur in the brain and are associated with depression. Much has been said about hormones: about happiness, stress, everything. The neurotransmitters and their effect on our mood have also been discussed. Although this approach is scientific and appropriate, it is also important to sort out a few things.

The chemistry of depression

Depression produces chemical changes within the brain and vice versa. But the chemistry of the brain is always changing. The quality of our thoughts and the substances we ingest are two agents that can modify the chemistry of our brains. When it comes to depression, they increase or decrease the amount of serotonin available.

The production of serotonin begins in the intestines. From there, the precursor to this hormone begins to be created, which is called tryptophan. That is why the intestines are often called our “other brain”. The food we eat is therefore very important, as well as the lifestyle we have. In order to be able to produce more serotonin, which will be helpful in counteracting depression, there are some completely natural methods. These are just 5 of them.


Foods that help reduce depression

Let’s start by saying that there are certain foods that counteract the production of serotonin. These foods increase the risk of depression. These foods are carbohydrates and foods that have a high level of sugar. This type of food is like an energy secretion within your body. They are metabolized quickly and give rise to a zeal. In other words, they create a form of withdrawal syndrome.

On the other hand, other foods such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables help to place more tryptophan in the blood. This means a greater production of serotonin. These foods therefore act as protective agents against depression. Medical studies have recently related turmeric to this effect.

The most appropriate form of exercise

All types of exercise increase serotonin levels in the brain. But the effect is much greater when the training is combined with specific situations. The ideal is to develop a situation that makes the mind relax. An environment that lowers even anxiety levels.

Physical exercise is much more productive if performed outdoors. The trees and the green nature enhance the effect of the training. An easy walk through the forest can have fantastic effects. The sea can also contribute healing properties.


Positive thoughts and meditation

Our thoughts have an enormous power over our mood. For example, it has been shown that the placebo effect is very high in people suffering from depression. In some experiments, people are told that they will be given a drug that is very effective against depression. Most people take it and feel better. This is the effect that positive thinking creates.

Techniques for relaxation and meditation are also very good for people who feel depressed. Sometimes it is enough to just try to take a moment to breathe and clear your mind. It has also been proven that religious people increase their sense of happiness by repeating prayers.

Literature and writing

The literature allows us to get in touch with other people’s experiences, which is reflected in the main characters or in the narrator himself. This purifies our own emotions. The inspiring stories found in the literature create a sense of well-being and help to modify our brain chemistry in a positive way, which creates positive thoughts.

Writing, on the other hand, has a special catharsis effect. Joel Robertson, an expert on the subject, recommends that everyone write for 20 minutes a day for 4 consecutive days. The subject should touch on painful experiences and it is best to do so without thinking, almost automatically. This researcher assures that this experience contributes to a state of peace.


Listen to classical music

It has been proven that certain melodies have the ability to increase the production of serotonin and harmonize the brain, as well as bring a feeling of well-being and enthusiasm. Bach music is one of the most recommended. This composer created compositions in a mathematical order that seem to align with certain frequencies in the brain.

There are also other recommended composers: Brahms, Chopin, Handel, Haydn and some operas such as Madame Butterfly. Classical music inspires and creates a form of opening up to one’s emotions, which helps you connect to your own pain, and this has a very healthy effect.

It is not easy for depressed individuals to perform actions that promote well-being because their bodies ask them to give up. Maybe a little extra motivation is needed. Support may be needed to get started. But the hardest part is just that, getting started. These methods that counteract depression in a natural way tend to be effective in the short term. Whether you have depression or not, do you dare to try them to improve your mood and well-being?

One of many methods that counteract depression

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