5 Harmful Acts According To Eastern Philosophy

5 harmful acts according to Eastern philosophy

Every medical culture in the world agrees that  illness and health are directly linked to people’s lifestyles. More specifically, there is a link between what you eat and how you use your energy. These two are fundamental in Eastern medicine, which talks a lot about harmful acts of health.

Although we often talk about the mind and the body as two separate things, we all know that they are part of a larger whole. What harms your mind has a big impact on your body. In the same way, a bodily injury can have a negative effect on your mind.

Your lifestyle depends almost entirely on your mind. Each of us decides when we keep certain habits or when we avoid them. Your lifestyle will either help or harm your body – a clear demonstration of the interplay between body and mind. According to Eastern philosophy, there are five acts that are harmful to health. In other words, wrong decisions that end up harming your body.

Self-awareness is a common topic of conversation. Most people see it as something that has to do with your inner world. The idea is that by knowing yourself, you can identify your personal traits and predict your behavior. But most people forget that self-awareness has a lot to do with the body.

hazardous acts

Every society has specific eating habits based on what foods are available. Diet is also very personal. Each person has their own specific nutritional needs. It is something that many people forget, which can make them follow other people’s eating habits. This often ends up being harmful to health.

This has a lot to do with the last point. How much and how often you eat has a lot to do with your way of life. To be more specific, they have a connection to how much energy you use.

The Eastern way of thinking says that among other harmful acts, it is to use more energy than you get back. You can see it is reflected nowadays in how we take our first goal. Many people have too much to do in the morning but decide not to eat breakfast. It has a great effect on the body and your mind.

Bitterness is one of the five basic flavors. It is normally a learned taste because it is unpleasant for many people. Most medicines also have a bitter taste which does not help. Eastern philosophy says that it creates a certain type of toxic addiction.

Lion tries to swallow

Eastern medicine says that bitter food stimulates your digestive process. This makes it necessary for all diets. But  they can also lead to problems such as nervousness, anxiety and liver problems if you eat too much.

Eastern philosophers saw body temperature as a very important part of health. A good body temperature is a sign of good health. Some foods cool your body and others heat it up. Generally, raw foods cool you down while cooked foods make you warmer.

When you are overly nervous, you have a tendency to keep your body cold. This can make you feel weaker, more anxious and more restless. On the other hand, aggressive people tend to have high body temperatures. So lowering the temperature through the food you eat can help you feel calmer.

This is the opposite of “using more energy than you get back”. In this case, it is about “having more energy than you use”. Therefore, it is part of harmful acts. In the end, all kinds of exaggerations have a negative effect on the body and mind.

Woman drinks from jar

Eastern  thinkers say that when someone eats or drinks too much, it means that the person has not ingested all the nutrients he needs. This is why his feeling of hunger does not go away. He thus tries to correct it by eating more and more. The solution would then be to figure out what kind of nutrient is missing in the diet.

Like Hippocrates, the father of allopathic medicine,  Eastern thinkers believe that good health is largely based on our diet. Being aware of it and acting accordingly will help you to a healthier and more balanced life.

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