43 Questions That Free The Mind

43 questions that liberate the mind

In fact, one of our biggest obstacles is stress. This has a lot to do with work. Many times we suffer if we have too much to do, but we can also suffer if we have too little to do.

In every situation where we feel stress day by day, we need to use resources to reach an emotional balance. Stress can cause many different diseases and also that we “go into the wall”.


What are the 43 questions that liberate the mind?

Today I would like to share 43 questions that free the mind and help you avoid stress. I advise you to respond to them immediately without thinking too much. There are no right or wrong answers.

These questions will help you to explore your mind in depth and get over what is preventing you from moving forward. Their efficiency and simplicity will help you.

  • How old would you say you look if you did not know your age?
  • What’s worst: losing or never trying?
  • Life is very short. Do you do things you do not like or things you really feel passionate about?
  • When you are done with what you have to do, have you had other goals to set?
  • If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
  • If happiness had been a currency, what kind of job would have made you a millionaire?
  • Are you doing what you want or are you trying to do what you want?
  • What would you like to change in your life to live to the max ?
  • It’s raining and you need a car to get home. Who’s driving?
Ballet dancer
  • What worries you most: doing things right or correctly?
  • You’re having dinner with three friends you respect. They start criticizing a close friend of yours without knowing about your friendship. What are you doing?
  • If you could give advice to a young child, what would you say?
  • Had you created a team to save someone you love?
  • Have you first seen madness where you then saw genius?
  • What do you do differently than others in life?
  • Why is it that what makes you happy does not make others happy?
  • What would you like to do that you have not yet done? What is holding you back?
  • Are you holding on to something that you should let go?
  • If you had to move to another country forever, where would you move?
  • Do you press more than once for the elevator to come down? Do you think this will make it come faster?
  • What do you prefer to be: a neurotic genius or a happy idiot?
  • Why are you… you?
  • If you could be your own best friend, would you want that friendship ?
  • You come home and there is a visitor. Who?
  • What are you most grateful for in life?
  • What do you prefer? Losing all your memories or not being able to get new ones?
  • Is it possible to know reality without making an effort?
  • Has your biggest fear occurred?
  • Do you remember the worst thing that happened to you three years ago? Does it mean as much today?
  • What is your happiest childhood memory ? Why does this make you happy?
  • Under what circumstances did you feel that you were really alive?
  • If not now, when?
  • If you have not yet succeeded in what you want, what is stopping you?
  • Has it ever happened that you have been with a person for a while without saying a word and later felt that it was the best conversation you ever had?
  • Is it possible to know what is right and wrong without hesitation?
  • If you were given a million, would you have resigned?
  • What do you prefer: to have a lot of work or to have a little job but to do what you love?
  • Do you feel that this day has been repeated many times?
  • If everyone you knew died tomorrow, who would you visit today?
  • What is the difference between living and existing?
  • Then the day will come when it’s worth taking a risk, will you do it?
  • If you learn from your mistakes, why are you afraid to make them?
  • What would you have done differently if no one had convicted you?

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