3 Movies For Self-discovery: Find Yourself

3 movies for self-discovery: find yourself

Who does not like to spend time watching TV shows or movies? Depending on what you are watching and how analytical you are, you can reflect on and pay attention to the message of each film. That’s what we want to show you with this list of self-discovery movies.

Seeing people portray characters and act out different stories on the big screen is a very common hobby. In the end  , however, the most important thing is not the plot of watching a movie, but what we are actually watching.

A good film has the ability to motivate us, inspire us and encourage us to change. The following videos may be useful for you and your personal development and self-discovery. Consider watching them during your next movie marathon!

Yes Man

Jim Carey is an actor who is known for always interpreting funny and superficial characters. In this movie, he plays the main character. His character’s name is Carl. He feels depressed because he does not like his life. He seems to be stuck at work, his wife has left him for another man and he always sits at home alone and watches TV.

Jim Carey and Yes Man

One day he decides to go to a workshop in personal development, and then everything changes. He enters into “a covenant with the universe” that forces him to say yes to all possibilities. That’s when his life takes a turn.

Yes Man  is the first film on our list because it reminds us of the importance of taking risks. It is very easy to feel sympathy for Carl because of the situation he is in. We see how this extreme attitude leads him to various challenges and adventures that he would never have faced otherwise.

The secret life of Walter Mitty

Walter is an ordinary man who no one looks at twice. His life is pretty boring. He likes his job, but it’s not very exciting. To avoid getting bored, he fantasizes about situations where he is a hero. However, these fantasies stop at this. They never happen in real life.

Suddenly, a problem at work makes him take a risk. He decides to make an incredible trip to distant places around the world to save the magazine he works for. Although he used to be a frustrated man, he ends up traveling to many countries and facing all sorts of problems. During this process, he gains new self-confidence and returns as a new person.

Walter Mitty on mountain

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty  is a very good movie that makes you reflect on your life. The way the main character feels feels very universal and close. Who does not daydream about experiencing all kinds of adventures? Through his travels shown in the film and the incredible landscapes shown in the film, it is almost impossible not to feel that we need to change our own story.

Into the wild

We end the spring list of films for self-discovery with one of the most inspiring films ever made. Into the Wild  tells the story of Christopher McCandles, a young man with a privileged life. His parents forced him to graduate from a prestigious university. After graduation  , he realizes that this was not the life he wanted to live.

With only a backpack and some money he has saved, he sets off on an epic journey, which he hopes will take him to the uninhabited wilderness of Alaska. During his journey, he meets all kinds of people and experiences situations that make him grow as a person and discover who he really is.

Lifting man

Into the Wild  has become a cult film for people of all ages. It portrays McCandle’s journey in such a wonderful way that it gives rise to endless amounts of emotion. This film is about confronting the indifference and conformism that prevent us from making changes in our lives.

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