10 Unforgettable Quotes By Milan Kundera

10 unforgettable quotes by Milan Kundera

All quotes by Milan Kundera are like true works of art. Most are part of his extensive literary work. His novels contain not only beautiful actions, but also a deep reflection on the world and modern man.

Milan Kundera was born in Czechoslovakia in 1929. He moved to France in 1975 and became a French citizen in 1981. Although he lived away from home in recent years, much of his work is about Czechoslovakia.

In Milan Kundera’s texts , we discover an intelligent writer with the ability to dig into the human subconscious. For years he has been expected to win the Nobel Prize in Literature thanks to the quality of his writing. In this article, we present a selection of his absolute best quotes.

This thinker is not only a good writer, he has also proved to be a great philosopher. His view of the world is deeply realistic and at the same time very touching. One of his great virtues is knowing how to capture subconscious motivation.

This is exactly what many of his quotes reflect – a thorough understanding of people. That thought is captured in this interesting text about our obsession with order:

man on mountain

Almost all of Kundera’s Czechoslovak work contains themes of power. He is very critical of power and its morals. In this quote, for example:

Kundera lived under strict Soviet rule. The restrictions imposed by the regime on thoughts and expressions made a great impact on him. Another of Milan Customers’ quotes reads:

He’s right. The secret to what power is after is things it forbids.

The same is true in this quote: “Man’s struggle against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting.” Power creates error and evil. Every powerful figure tries to make everyone believe that it all starts with him or her. But history repeats itself again and again. Memory is the only thing that can break the cycle.

Love is one of the themes that can be found throughout the author’s work. In The Unbearable Lightness of Being , he compares it to a happy coincidence. In the book he writes,

Many quotes by Milan Kundera are also about indifference and forgetfulness. For example, this one talks about the subject in a beautiful, poetic way,

When someone, or something, is no longer with you, reality is covered by an atmospheric and magical veil.

woman in foggy window

The main cause of anxiety is what has not yet happened. The possibility that this may happen invites fear into our lives. The truth is that we tend to fear the creations of our fantasies more than real life.

When we meet the world, we always experience a pause, a division, a strangeness. The customer himself describes it like this,

Many of Kundera’s quotes speak of fragility and compassion. In fact, animals have a privileged place in his writing, thanks to what they represent.

Compassion between people also means suffering. This quote makes it very clear,

In other words – sometimes it hurts more to see a loved one suffer than it does to suffer yourself.

hug and cry

In summary, these quotes by Kundera are a small part of his wonderful work. It is no coincidence that he is one of the most admired contemporary writers in the world. He managed, unlike so many others, to capture the core of our time. And he expressed it in a beautiful and surprising way in his writing.

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