10 Quotes To Better Understand Karma And What It Means

10 quotes to better understand karma and what it means

We often hear the word karma. We generally talk about this concept when something bad happens and we see it as a form of repayment that life gives us because we have acted badly. But the truth is that this is not entirely correct. So today we are going to compile some quotes to better understand karma.

The word karma comes from Sanskrit. Basically, it means an invisible, almighty force that is formed around all our actions. This force has consequences, which are basically a symbol of the law of cause and effect.

People are free and can always act as we wish. Our choices will determine what happens in our future. There is no good or bad luck, only consequences of our actions, and many of them do not appear until much later.

We will start with a beautiful quote that goes right to the heart of karma. The quote comes from Edwin Hubbel Chapin and reads: ” Every action in your life touches a chord that will vibrate forever.” This means that there are no actions that are too small to have an effect over time.

To understand karma

The next quote comes from Eckhart Tolle. It will help you understand a truth that escapes us many times: We experience exactly what we are meant to experience.

The quote reads: “Life will give you the experience that is most helpful for the development of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because that is the experience you have at the moment. ”

Then we have the thinker Robert Louis Stevenson. He once said, “Do not judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you sow.” This statement points to another fundamental part of understanding karma: you reap where you hurt.

The relationships you have with people are one of the biggest aspects of karman’s law. This quote from Frank Ocean, for example, reminds you that no one enters your life by chance. It reads: “We met for a reason. You are either a blessing or a lesson. ”

In line with this, Ebert Hubbard reminds us that our relationships, whether good or bad, are not random. It is we who create them and give them form. “We arouse in others the same attitude we have towards them.”

Colorful figures

This quote fits well with another from Wayne Dyer, where he says that: “How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ” It is an invitation to focus on how you act instead of focusing on how others behave.

A Buddhist teacher named Ma Jaya Sati Bhagavati also said something interesting that we can use to understand karma: “When you plant a seed of love, it is you who blooms.” It is a way of saying that generosity gives much more to you than the one who receives.

This quote by Vera Nazarian is a good description of what karma is. She says: “Karma is not an inviolable engine of cosmic punishment. Instead, it is a neutral sequence of actions, results and consequences.

It clears up the idea that there is no divine punishment for your actions. Instead, it is your actions that lead to positive or negative consequences.

Deepak Chopra expresses a similar idea in the following quote: “Karma, when properly understood, is only the mechanics through which consciousness is manifested.” What he is saying is that it is your responsibility: if you act badly, you can not expect a positive life. Evil leads to more evil, just as good leads to more good.

Person under tree

Another important aspect of karma is eternal repetition. This is an idea that life will give you the same experiences until you become fully aware of them. Ben Okri describes it well: “The law is simple. Every experience is experienced or endured until you experience it properly and fully for the first time. ”

Eastern cultures always have a lot to teach us. The law of karma is no exception. Although in some societies it has very deep connotations and goes far beyond what we are talking about here, it is still a valuable guide for people in the western world.

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